About me and my blog
What Allergy is written by Ruth Holroyd who is allergic to many things, including nuts, dairy, soya, wheat, latex, nickel, dust and pollen. Ruth has been blogging now for many years, since she first created What Allergy back in April 2009. Since them her blog was voted in the Top 5 UK allergy blogs and in the Top 10 UK Health Blogs by Vuelio and regularly gets between 20-30,000 unique visits a month with some blog posts getting hundreds of comments each. She won the Free From Hero Award in 2021 and the blog regularly wins awards.
Ruth has been in TV, speaks regularly on the radio and has also cmapaigned at the Houses of Parliament to help raise awareness about allergies, anaphylaxis, asthma, topical steroid withdrawal and eczema.

About me aka. Ruth Holroyd
I set up this blog in April 2009 kind of by accident. I had time on my hands and it seemed like a good idea to share the research I was doing to explore my allergy journey, most of which I was finding by surfing the net. Since then it’s grown from a bit of a hobby to a huge undertaking that I still manage in my spare time. By day freelance copywriter, by night avid allergy, eczema and asthma blogger, patient expert and advocate.
I write most of the content on the blog myself but also love guest blogs if you have a relevant story to share, please get in touch.
Owner and writer for What Allergy? Ruth Holroyd said, “Don’t ever let your allergies rule your life, live your life to the full despite having them. It may sometimes seem tough but remember all the foods you CAN eat, be healthy, happy and stay safe.”
I wrote two books on anaphylaxis and eczema
If you love reading you might be interested in my two books:
- Anaphylaxis: The Essential Guide: An Action Plan For Living With Life-Threatening Allergies
- The Shape of Skin – poetry for people with eczema, sensitive skin and topical steroid withdrawal
Always writing…

I also wrote Ruth’s Allergy Diary for the Foods Matter website for many years. There are some really fun ones, including Dear Dairy, and why I lie about my allergies.
This blog is a collection of information, tips, restaurant and product reviews etc. and is aimed at helping others to learn to live with their food allergies and the risk of anaphylaxis. Anyone with one or numerous food and substance allergies and intolerances will understand that it’s a challenge, but with careful planning and sensible strategies you can conquer the pitfalls of shopping, eating out and dinner parties all become easier.
Please get involved and comment
This blog is no fun without you lot, so please comment on blogs, give your support and share your stories and experiences too. That’s how we all learn and it also helps others realise they are not alone.
Email (ruth at whatallergy dot com) if you have any questions, suggestions for future articles etc.
Follow What Allergy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatallergy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatallergy
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WhatAllergy
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/ruthholroyd
Linkedin: If you need a food, allergy or health writer you can also contact Ruth on (ruth at whatallergy dot com) or connect on LinkedIn.
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Work with me!

From judging at the FreeFrom Food and Skincare Awards to many professional conferences, The Allergy Show, Foods Matter, the BSACI and EAACI, I’m keen to help raise and spread awareness of the real, lived experience of atopic conditions.
- Check out my Advocate page, which is packed with details of the brands I work with, speaking engagements, TV appearances, my books and more.
- You can also Follow What Allergy In the News!
Please get in touch via email or social media using the links above.