Here are some articles I’ve written or that have been written about me, covering things from allergies, eczema, topical steroid withdrawal and anaphylaxis.

Guest blogs
I love writing guest blogs for other websites and organisations that I work with. Here are a sample of them:
- How to get the most out of your dermatology appointment – for Merakoi (Sept 2022)
- Allergen Disclaimers when eating out – have you had to sign one? Allergy Companions (Sept 2022)
- My TSW journey – Salcura Natural Skin Therapy
- You have no right to my person medical story on the Smile App blog, the first mental health app to support patients and carers dealing with long-term health conditions.
- Eczema ‘down there’! (about genital eczema) on the Cotton Comforts blog
- Is vegan food safe for people with food allergies? – Natasha’s Foundation (Jan 2022)
- Pak Choi, nut lovers and tinned grub – the pitfalls of dating with allergies – TalkHealth partnership – (Oct 2020)
- Allergy Sufferers? No! Allergy reactors! – Michelle’s Blog (Sept 2020)
- The Reluctant Allergy Expert NEW BOOK – Michelle’s Blog (Aug 2020)
- talkhealth meets Ruth Holroyd, blogger and founder of – talkhealth partnership (Jun 2020)
- Be allergen aware when planning for lockdown! – Caterer – (May 2020)
News Coverage
I’m always speaking to journalists, charities and news organisations to help raise awareness of allergies, anaphylaxis, eczema and topical steroid withdrawal

- Women has remarkable recovery after discovering water softener. Wales Online, Feb 2023 (spoiler alert, it wasn’t quite a remarkable recovery but it really has helped a lot.
- ‘My fear is that one day might be last day’ says woman with severe dairy allergy who dreads eating out – inews Independent online, 2022
- Steroid Withdrawal was agony and my GP laughed it off – The Daily Mirror, Health section, March 2022
- Snogging me comes with a warning! Chat magazine, 16 Sept 2021.
- Cold Turkey – TSW real life story in Pick me Up Magazine (June 2021)
- Living with Anaphylaxis – Vale Life magazine (Feb/Jan 2021)
- My Dinner out almost killed me and left me too scared to go out – The Sun Dec 2020
- Woman says her eczema has made her look twenty years older – Daily Mail (April 2020)
- Get your team ready for reopening with the Caterers Allergen Webinar – Caterer (April 2020)
- Artichoke pub in Croxley Green fined after woman suffers anaphylactic shock – Watford Observer – (Dec 2019)
- Ruth’s letter to her skin – Michelle’s Blog (Dec 2019
- Pub apologises to woman who had severe anaphylactic attack – Watford Observer – (Dec 2019) (I would like to just point out they didn’t really apologise to me, apart from in the headline of this article!)
- What can restaurants do to help customers with allergies? – BBC – (Sept 2019)
- Medicalert – Member Story
- Unacceptable attitudes to allergies – Michelle’s Blog (Dec 2014)
- The woman allergic to exercise who could die if she runs up the stairs – (July 2010) Not true, headline misleading. Important point is not to move if you are having anaphylaxis. Stay seated or lying down. It can bring on a worse reaction.
- I can’t go to the gym, I’m allergic to exercise. Why one woman is forced to be a couch potato – another hilarious story title, and if you know me you’ll know who stupid that is. It was supposed to be about exercise induced anaphylaxis. (Daily Mail, 2010)
- Blogger Spotlight: Ruth Holroyd, What Allergy? (August 2016)
- Ruth’s Allergy Diary – Will you take the ‘Go Processed Food Free Challenge?’ (July 2016) - Proof that I was there, judging at the FreeFrom Food Awards for the third year running and the highlight of my ‘Allergy Calendar’ (Jan 2014)
- The New Year starts with a bang with the announcement that I am writing an Allergy Diary for FoodsMatter magazine – Ruth’s Allergy Diary (Jan 2014)
- Guest blog spot on the Can Men Cook? blog. Phil Hawthorn, author of Can Men Cook? interviewed Ruth Holroyd to find out more about catering for someone with allergies and some insight into what allergies really mean. (Jan 2014)