I have recently discovered that Walkers Salt & Vinegar crisps, which used to one of the few flavours that dairy allergics could enjoy, has changed its recipe to contain milk. I usually get alerts by email and text but I’m pretty sure I didn’t get one about this, unless I missed it, which is possible. I thought I’d put a post on my blog in case it saves just one person from finding out the hard way.
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And how about Green & Blacks who have recently rather kindly added milk powder to their dark chocolate varieties? Why? What a shame they sold out to Cadburys.
Anyone at Walkers Crisps care to comment?
If anyone with dairy allergy knows of any flavoured crisps that are safe please share this too.
M&S salt and vinegar crisps are also free from milk, but they do contain barley/gluten.
In Animal Free Shopper by the Vegan Society, it lists Salt & Vinegar crisps as vegan. I.e. containing no animal products. So I purchased a packet only to read the ingredients and found that it contained milk.
Ready Salted contains no milk.
Perhaps I should email the Vegan society and let them know. I guess the moral is ‘always check the label’, but it is frustrating. We are both trying to avoid milk for different reasons but it’s never easy. Sticking with Ready Salted is usually the safest option. Not so much fun though ;o) It always annoys me that all the flavours need milk as an added ingredient.
Also, by the way, I had a mild reaction to Hula Hoops (ready salted) this week, which does say it ‘may contain milk’. However I think it does contain milk, albeit in very small trace quantities. KP – just to let you know I will be avoiding Hula Hoops from now on, I’ll miss them.
Vegan Shopper does explain that food production companies alter recipes from time to time and we should always check labels. It is rather annoying though isn’t it? Brands vary too.Kelloggs Coco Pops contain milk but Morrisons version do not at present.
Yes it’s very frustrating. I guess the motto is, always check. Even a brand you trust may change it’s recipe from time to time
Just realised after months of testing that I am allergic to Hula Hoops. They give me a stinging sensation in my eye. No other food causes this. Just Hula Hoops. Don’t know what it is in them but I’m avoiding them now.
I’m a bit late on this one but Pombears are milk free 🙂 and shaped like bears :3
I haven’t had Pom Bears in years. Now you’ve made me feel all hungry… need crisps. I was sure they did have milk/lactose in them though. Please always check labels before trying anything.