If you had an allergic reaction would anyone be able to find your medication easily? Where do you carry your adrenaline autoinjector? Two very important questions.
Over the years I’ve stored mine in various receptacles such as a cigar case, pencil tin, glasses case, Ted Baker make-up bag etc. but all have fallen apart prematurely from being carried around everywhere. Whilst many different things can accommodate your EpiPen and keep it safe, does it look like it contains medicine? and could someone find it quickly if they needed to?
How do adrenaline auto injectors get packaged
Your adrenaline auto injector, whether from Jext, Epipen or Emerade, will likely come in tough plastic tubes, see below image. These do protect the mediation to a certain degree but won’t have any temperature control and you may have other medication to carry with it.

What else should go into your auto injector carry case?
Anyone with severe allergies will know that the auto-injector itself is not the only kind of medication that helps. Here’s what I carry in mine:
- 2 x Jext autoinjectors
- Fast acting anti-histamines, both tablet and liquid
- My Action Plan (if you don’t currently have one, read ‘Writing an Anaphylaxis Action Plan’
- A letter from my doctor stating that I need to carry the EpiPen for medical reasons
- Inhaler
- Pain killers
- Tissues
- Small tub of emollient or moisturiser in case of hives or rashes (I take Lyonsleaf Zinc and calendula balm)
If you can’t afford to buy a specialist bag or case
There is a cheaper option. My allergy specialist keeps hers in the cheapest solution of all – a clear plastic zip lock folder. You can buy these in most large supermarkets and stationery shops and this way it’s completely clear what the bag contains as you can see through it, and you can fit everything inside the same bag. If you fancy trying the zip lock option look out for clear pencil cases or clear passport/travel bags that are made of sturdy clear plastic and have a zip. They can cost as little as 35p to a £1. I’m not convinced they will last as well as the padded cases but they’re affordable for those on a budget.
What do auto injector bags cost?
The cost of EpiPen pouches ranges from £15 for a basic Epi Pouch travel case which fits in two EpiPens and comes with a belt and strap, to £60 for the top of the range padded and temperature-controlled case with strap for carrying.
Adrenaline auto injector medical bags and cases
You can buy them direct from a number of manufacturers:
- Activeaide
- Breezy packs – Adrenaline and Insulin temperature controlled (I currently have one of these and love it) – Available in USA, Australia, NZ: Orders arrive tax & duty free. Canada, UK and EU: Taxes are collected during check-out.
- Aller Pack – Insulated medical bags from £19.99. They also sell canvas bags you can put your name on, bottles, pins and more.
- Medpac – sell lots of insulated bags, stickers – even sick bags!
- Frio – Supply medical bags suitable for EpiPens: www.friouk.com as well as other medication and have a huge range of different sizes and styles
Where can you buy adrenaline medical bags and cases?
There are loads of choices around now so you’ll easily find something to suit your budget and style. Check out the following options:
- Funky pouches – For something a bit different, (I only just discovered this website whilst researching for this article), try the online shop from Always Read the Label which stocks pouches and bags with fun and funky designs for kids and adults, t-shirts, stickers and much more.
- Etsy – sell loads of cool tags and personalisable bags
- Amazon – loads of choice but make sure you check reviews and check quality before buying
- Google and type in EpiPen pouches and loads of different sites and suppliers come up. I don’t know which is best but there are certainly more and more suppliers out there so get surfing.
- Check out the UK based Allergy Lifestyle website for lots of options for medication bags and ‘epipen inside’ tags. They even sell arm band carriers for runners and bags from one injector to large medical pouches.
So, where do you keep yours? I’d love to know. Which product do you think is best?
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