FreeFrom skincare products are something I'm really interested in. It's confusing how many products are sold as natural and skin friendly, when in fact they are anything but. The people at SkinsMatter have done the same for freefrom skincare products as they did for freefrom foods and having been a judge for the Freefrom Food Awards I can only hazard a guess at how complex … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2012
Allergic to Dove soap ingredients?
Cosmetic and skincare products sold as 'hypoallergenic', 'all natural' or 'organic' can be very misleading and often, for some of us very sensitive types, anything but kind and gentle to our skin. Cosmetic products are not bound by law to ommit any particular known allergens and most don't have a full list of ingredients on product packaging. So what do these terms mean? … [Read more...]