Thanks to one of my followers on Facebook I came across this clever gluten free flour conversion chart (thanks Amanda). I thought I’d share it with you all on here as a little Christmas gift.
It shows you how to mix gluten free flour when your using a recipe and should ensure you arrive at a fairly descent food in the end.
I’ve used flour blends in the past with xanthum gum and it does work. You never get quite the same result as if you’d used normal flour but the xanthum gum is what brings the gluteny consistency to the dough. My bread and rolls have all been very tasty and I had mixed success using a blended flour recipe in the bread maker.
The chart comes to you courtesy of GYGI which is an American online store, so thanks GYGI!
You can of course just buy ready blended bags of flour from Doves Farm and others but if you have rice, potato and tapioca flour in the house it means you can make your own blends.
Beware – gluten free flour is very light and flyaway so be gentler when using it or you’ll end up with your very own flour snow storm in the kitchen. Very festive but also quite messy.
Happy baking!
Sorry, Ruth, I am being thick. Does this mean you use all the 4 alternatives to replace the wheat flour or just one of them, if you see what I mean?
Hi Micki, yes all four. I guess there are loads of other wheat and gluten free flours that it might be interesting experimenting with, swapping for some of the others. I think this chart is American and it tends to be way more rice flour than the rest. Hope that helps, and also, interesting to know if there are any other options other than xanthum gum? I always wonder how good that is for us.