Incredible news, hot off the press.
This is just a short blog post because I think it’s pretty cool. You and over two million other allergy and eczema people have read this blog.
Over Two Million people have visiting… in total, over all time.
Not in one day. Whoah!
Now that would get me in trouble with my blog server.
Who would have predicted that when I first started writing it five years ago it would grow to be such a huge, busy, well read blog.
I’m pretty amazed myself but it’s all been worth it. If I only help a handful of you feel less alone, lost and confused then I’ve done my job.
So, while I’m on the subject, anything else I should write about?
What’s your burning subject?
What really bugs you?
Let’s have a heated debate!
(Cue tumble weed – please do share if you have a comment…)
And well deserved. A fantastic blog.
Thanks Chris! Great to meet you last week (if you are who I think you are) and watch out for some Lake District focused blogs in the coming weeks. See you at Food Matters Live
Dear Ruth,
many congratulations at this significant moment. You do a great work in raising the profile of food hypersensitivity as well as bring a support to so many others, a champion and representative of the public whilst really engaging with NHS science based allergy. ‘Allergy’ is still a controversial topic with much confusion about ‘intolerance’ and unhelpful ‘alternative’ tests. I wish Ruth all the best in tackling such issues and being part of closing the gap between professionals & the people we hope to serve well.
Ah yes Andrew, that gap. That is my burning question too. How do we bridge that gap with an already struggling NHS where parents of allergic kids, or rather Mothers in particular, are so stressed and depressed and really struggle to cope with the reality of life threatening allergies. Even just getting a diagnosis, and if you have food intolerances and not allergies there is very little help and support, despite the discomfort and pain of constant skin problems and bowel and stomach irritation. Often overlooked and very poorly understood because it is not ‘life threatening’. Together we can make a different Andrew! Well we can try
Well done Ruth!
Thanks Mummy – who’d have thought your diary writing daughter would turn into a blogging impresario (sp?)
Congratulations Ruth!! It’s great,and I’m always forwarding articles on to people who might benefit from what you write about.
Hmmm. Burning topic for me? The Fabulous Bakinboys cakes soon to no longer be nut free. In fact,to make nutty cakes!! Arrghhh! Wondering how others feel on this topic….?
Thanks Alison and yes I think those not so Fabulous Bakinboys might be getter a letter from What Allergy soon!
Congratulations! Not that I’m surprised – it’s a good blog!
Any comments about the arsenic in rice thing on Dispatches yesterday? Apparently they were saying that Brown rice has too much arsenic in so if you are going to eat rice you should eat white rice from India….
Hi Max, thanks for the compliments *blushes*. I can’t believe I’ve been doing the blog for so long now. I just love it and have soooo many ideas of stuff I want to write about and not enough time. Re rice milk, it’s been around the ages that warning but as for brown being worse that white I need to investigate that. Always thought brown was better for you. Michelle at Foods Matter has blogged about this.
Well done, makes me feel less alone. At last a frost so all those ghastly spores will have been laid to rest until next autumn. Mould and fungal allergy is not well understood, but causes huge health problems. More publicity would be great so that all the problems it causes are not passed off as yet another virus of unknown origin!
Well done, makes me feel less alone. At last a frost so all those ghastly spores will have been laid to rest until next autumn. Mould and fungal allergy is not well understood, but causes huge health problems. More publicity would be great so that all the problems it causes are not passed off as yet another virus of unknown origin!