Well yesterday I got some VERY amazing news. Thanks to all of you for voting for What allergy? in the Foods You Can FreeFrom People’s Choice Awards 2014, I actually WON the Best FreeFrom Blogger Award for 2014.
The best free from blogger award was part of the Foods You Can Free From People’s Choice awards, an accolade where the nominees are chosen by a panel of Free From foodie bloggers, and the winners chosen by the public. That’s you guys!
I’m in shock. I can’t quite believe it.
What allergy has been voted the Best FreeFrom Blogger – that is totally Blogawesome.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who voted. You are all so amazing. I couldn’t do this without all of you reading, commenting and when the awards come along, voting.
If you tweet about it there is a special hashtag #ffpeopleschoiceawards and organiser’s twitter handle is @FoodsYouCan – they like to be cc:d on any tweets.
So if you did vote – thank you. Did you win a prize? Some voters got prizes! It was tempting to vote for someone myself but I am very very pleased with my lovely golden apple award.
Thanks again. Couldn’t have done it without all of you.
What Allergy towers will be celebrating with some completely dairy free champagne. Can’t wait. So far I have toasted my success over Pizza Express salad with a Greens gluten free lager and also this morning with a plastic cup of water in the oxygen therapy chamber at Chiltern’s MS Centre. I know how to party. Photos to follow.
PS. You’re not going to believe this but What allergy? has been accepted into ANOTHER blog award competition, this time the UK Blog Awards. This website is no longer available.
Thanks Chris – still in a bit of a whirl really. I can’t quite believe this myself but it’s true. I don’t win stuff! But I have! Weeeeeee
A well deserved award. I know how much hard work and dedication you put into your blog.
Very well done.
Thanks Mum 😉 I’m really proud, hasn’t sunk in yet. Seems crazy that my little blog could ever be the best freefrom blog but I had better get used to it. Not good at accepting compliments