I recently bought one of these simple and funky little brushes on the advice of my hair dresser. My scalp was a mess with eczema and she was combing out bits of dry skin. A good look I think… crusts of skin half way down a hair shaft – NOT!
She went to get a Tangle Teezeer and it was just so pain free. Not only do they smooth out tangles in seconds and without any discomfort or tearing out of hair, they are also soft bristled so they don’t aggravate your scalp.
Gone is the temptation to get the comb and scratch my scalp in a saw like motion. OK that’s a lie. The temptation is still there, every time I wash my hair but I’ve hidden the combs. Can’t quite bring myself to throw them out – if you’ve ever had eczema on your scalp you’ll know what I mean. The complete release and organismic reward of giving in to a digging frenzy with a comb. Leading to guilt, frustration and disgust. I know, it’s gross. But it’s what I do when no one is looking. Not great for allowing eczema on my scalp to heal. But with this Tangle Teezer, I am far less inclined to scratch. It really does help.

Now I have ONE black, classic original Tangle Teezer to give away as part of Allergy Awareness Week. Not technically about allergies but many of the people I meet with allergies are also atopic, with sensitive skin, eczema, hayfever etc. If you’ve got one, chances are you’ve got a whole slew of atopic conditions. Life is just a joy like that.
So if you want to win this one, comment below telling me who invented them and why you want one. I will be getting my 9 and 6 year old nieces and nephew to judge the winners so innovation is the key here.
If the Nairns oakcake tin competition is anything to go by this one is going to be popular too.
Who wants Tangle Teezer?
The boring small print: NB. Competition only open to UK residents. Closing date Monday 4th May 2015.
And the winner of the Tangle Teezer is…
Special thanks to my lovely judges, my nieces, from left to right, Amelie, Louise, Calla and Beth who took quite a while to decide who should win. They actually wanted one themselves so that’s some birthday presents sorted too. If you look really hard, Amelie is brushing Lou’s hair with THE tangle teezer winging its way to the lucky winner.

It was a very tight contest but here is what they said:
They want everyone one to win!!! But after being pushed – this took a while! They have both gone for different entries.
Amelie likes the first one because it would be really hard to comb loom bands and she thinks Sharon has really thought about her answer.
Louise has chosen the second one because she (Rebecca) has eczema and she had to wash and comb her hair every day – ‘I hate washing and combing my hair so I feel really sorry for her’.
Calla, Isaac and Beth enjoyed reading all the entries but chose Rebecca because they thought her answer was the funniest and made them laugh when they read it.
So very well done Rebecca Marriage – you win this lovely sleek, black, original Tangle Teezer. I’ll be in touch for your address and get it sent to you ASAP. Unless we can arrange to meet and exchange in person?
Thanks for your review!
The tangle teezer was invented by a (smart) hairdresser called Shaun Pulfrey.
I’d love to win this, because my hair is very long and wavy, just like Rapunzel. But, it is really tangled, just like a pile of loom bands!
Can you imagine that?
It takes my too long to comb my hair and would love for this lovely brush! Thanks!
Hi Sharon, I’m really sorry you didn’t win, one of my nieces really wanted you to as she is a big Tangled and Rapunzel fan too and thought brushing loom bands would be completely impossible. I would recommend you buy one though as I love mine. I should be getting commission!
Shaun Pulfrey invented the tangle teezer and has become a huge success after being kicked out of the Dragon’s Den – that showed them!
My hair is ALWAYS tangled, it is long, fine and straight. In fact it spends much of the day being blown around, landing on all the greasy emollients on my face and being pulled at with my greasy fingers. Imagine a maypole on May Day and you’ve got the picture.
I also have to wash my hair every day because of the all the greasy eczema creams I have to use – so it sounds like it would save me time in an already choice block moisturising routine!
Thank you… 🙂
Well done Rebecca, you won! The nieces nearly all agreed, thought was really funny, kids love to laugh at someone else’s discomfort so the thought of your greasy hair had them in stitches! Charming! I hope the tangle teezer will work for you, I find that my eczema scalp thanks me for not digging my poor scalp with a sharp comb, which is one of my favourite secret ways of scratching, although husband is wise to that one now. It should save damaging your hair and scalp. Do come back and tell us what you thought if it when it arrives. I will be going in the post later this week. Congratulations again.
Shaun Pulfrey invented the very clever tangle teezer, as the lady above says all the creams and ointments used cause a tangled Web, and one of these will at least ease one problem!!! ????
Hi Amie, thanks for entering this competition. You stood quite a good chance with so few entries but the nieces have spoken and very discerning they are too. Keep watching the blog, I’m sure to have more competitions in the future. Thanks again for your continued support of my blog and comments. They mean so much. :o)