It’s spring time and the dandelions and nettles are in abundance, the perfect free ingredients for healthy and natural herbal tea. The forager in me has been collecting fresh leaves for my morning tea – you can’t beat fresh picked weed tea! To find out how to make your own wild herbal creations check out the links below in ‘related posts’.
If you don’t want to make your own herbal infusions why not try some different flavoured teas – go on, go wild, live dangerously. Everyone drinks normal black tea so be brave and challenge your taste buds.
If you’re thinking the only choice is green, peppermint and chamomile then you’re wrong. There are loads of different blends which can help cleanse your colon, relax or detox you.
This month I’ve been trying Skinny Tea and Colon Cleanse from @TeamiBlends herbal detox tea.
So ditch the black tea and coffee for a week or even a month and try something different. Naturally caffeine free, these herbal infusions not only make you feel refreshed but they’re also good for you.
They won’t keep you awake at night and you don’t need milk so they also come with few if any calories.
Ingredients in the Teami Skinny tea are: Oolong, Yerba Mate, Lime leaf Extract, Lotus leaf, Ginger Root, Dandelion leaf, Rhubarb Root.
TeaMi Skinny Tea may help:
- Increase your metabolism
- Burn calories and convert food to energy
- Burn fat and counteract fat storage
- Regulate blood sugar levels
- Suppress appetite
- Assist in the digestion of food
- Improve skin health
- Improve quality of sleep
- Cleanse and detoxify the internal organs
- Weight loss goals or weight management
Teami colon cleanse tea
I also tried Teami Colon cleanse tea which should only be used when you are really bloated and constipated and only one teabag before bed. Don’t drink more as the effects can be quite dramatic (For me anyway)!
I used honey to sweeten but be warned, this tea is delicious but don’t drink more than one cup! Also be near a toilet, I’ve had quite full on bowel emptying that kept me up at night so this is serious product – don’t use unless you really need it.
Ingredients include: Senna Leaf & Root, Hawthorn Berry Extract, Lotus Leaf, Lime Leaf & Extract, psyllium Husk Seed, Phaseolus Calcaratus Seed, Rhubarb Root, Poria Cocos Stem Bark, Valerian Root.
Try some @TeamiBlends tea today
So if you get irritable bowel and constipation this colon cleanse tea could be really useful. If you just want some detoxify and healthy tea why not try the Teami Skinny. Visit
#ThankyouTeami #teamiblends #detoxtea #looseleaftea #teatox
Hi there, looking up some info on hippocastanum extract (horse chestnut) with specific interest in aescin or escin content as an herbal/medicinal supplement.
It just hit home that it is in a vein blend I am taking and I am allergic to nuts. Is aescin a protein at all? Or in any way related to the compounds that nut-allergy-sufferers react to? I have a severe nut allergy but eg: I love coconut, sweet almond oil is pressed and has no protein in it so that is safe for me too, adore water chestnuts, sesame and soy don’t bug me at all and as good as the roasted chestnuts smell at Christmas I will NOT go there – I CANNOT have peanuts, brazils, filbert, hazel, pine, etc.
you seem educated so I thought I would ask
thanks for any help
Hmmm. I’m not sure exactly what to say as everyone is different and I’m not a doctor. I had a reaction recently to chestnuts in flour in a cake after alcohol and exercise, however I had previously been fine eating chestnuts so it’s never a done deal and thing can change with your circumstances. I will make a few inquiries for you though as I do know some experts on this kind of thing.
It sounds like you are using or wanting to use – an extract of horse chestnut as a naturopathic treatment for varicose veins. Apparently it thins the blood which would presumably be helpful for varicose veins. The extract appears to be taken from the seeds so the chances are that there will be protein in them – but whether it will be a protein to which you is allergic, there is no way of knowing. There have, apparently, been a few rare cases of people having allergic reactions but I don’t know whether they were people who were already allergic to other tree nuts.
I am assuming that this is a herbal remedy that you want to take so if there were potentially allergenic protein in the seeds extract then you would consume it in sufficient quantity to cause a reaction – if you were allergic to it. If it was a homeopathic remedy you were taking then there would be no protein left so you would be OK…..
Any help? x
Nice blog post.
thanks a lot for these tips Ruth. I am currently drinking the Green Tea for detoxification.
I love green tea too. So clean and fresh. It has to be quite weak for me with any black, green or white tea. With other herbal teas the stronger the better ie. rooibosh etc. Not sure why.