I discovered these amazing gluten, wheat, dairy and egg free BFree Pittas as the Allergy Show London this year.
They were offering half a pitta with various fillings and I found it was one of the only reliable lunch source so I went back in various disguises for a salad and humous pitta for my lunch. No one spotted my trick and I enjoyed my fill of these gorgeous new freefrom pittas.
I bought a bulk load and froze them but now I find I’ve run out and I can’t find them anywhere.
Did I dream that I had found the most perfectly delicious pitta ever?
They are gluten, wheat, diary and egg free and really, you just can’t tell they’re #freefrom.
I also know I didn’t dream these Bfree pittas because fellow freefrom tweeters @glutenfreemrsd @alimentarybites @dairyfree and @emmageah were also getting very excited about them.
So come on Bfree, I’ve emailed you, I’ve tweeted you, I’ve blogged about your pittas. What’s happening?
I’ve been on your website and they’re not listed… where are they?
I know you know what I’m talking about because there is a blog from Hannah’s gluten free about these amazing pittas.
I need these pittas. I’m planning my holidays and I want to order some to take with me.
Please don’t disappoint me. There are few freefrom products that are so very freefrom all major allergens and these pittas are to die for.
I thought I’d do a little mini bloggette to see if this might flush out the pittas somehow.
Has anyone found these in their local supermarket? Did you try them at the allergy show? Did you love them too?
Help a desperate blogger please 😉
They have a web site that displays their products and allows you to buy them too. Pittas aren’t there so perhaps they’ve stopped making them? You could try something else from their range or start a campaign to show them how popular their pittas were.
Crikey, they only just started making them Ken! I’ve trawled their website as well to no avail. #allergysleuthruth is on the case. I have also launched a twitter campaign to hunt down these pittas. The allergy and gluten free community are tweeting Bfree in droves for news as to the whereabouts of these pittas.
I googled, they sell wraps at ASDA though on checking ingredients no good for me, with my sulphites and salicylates allergies.
Thought I had found something near to lovely ?
Oh well
Hi C, I can’t find the ingredients on these but if I do I’ll share them here. Bfree products are pretty clean on ingredients so you might just be OK.