So what do you do when you get some time to relax? For the consumate blogger it’s a chance to catch up on some blog planning and get baking in the kitchen.
This afternoon I made chocolate for the first time ever. It’s dead easy. You need cocoa butter, cocoa powder, some sweetener (I used Sweet Freedom which is a fruit and carob sweetener) and vanilla essence or any flavouring you prefer.
Here’s how you do it and it’s so easy so don’t be put off.
I used a ChockChick chocolate making kit from Holland and Barrett but you could buy the ingredients separately to make your own chocolate heaven.
What you’ll need to make your own home-made chocolate
- Sauceapan of water
- Bowl to create a bain marie (or a pyrex jug if you have one that will fit over a pan)
- Spatula
- Balloon whisk
- Tablespooon and teaspoon measuring spoons
- Small paper cases, ice cube tray or shaped moulds
- Baking tray that will fit into the freezer
Ingredients for making chocolate
The Choc Chick kit has everything included, but in case you can’t find one, here’s what you’ll need.
- 100g of cocoa butter
- 5-6 level tablespoons of cocoa powder (add more for darker chocolate)
- 4 tablespoons of Sweet Freedom (or alternative sweetener – use less for your taste)
- 2 teaspoons of vanilla essence (or other flavour if you prefer e.g. orange)
Now we’ve got everything ready, let’s cook!
How to make home-made totally freefrom chocolate
- Melt the cocoa butter over a low heat in a bain marie (this is basically a bowl, suspended over a pan of simmering water)
- Turn off the heat but keep the pan on the warm hob
- Once it’s completely melted, add the cocoa powder and sweet freedom and mix with the balloon whisk
- Add vanilla essence or other flavour if you prefer (optional)
- Spoon the melted chocolate into the paper cases or whatever you’re making your chocolate shapes into. I laid out the paper cases (which come with the kit) onto a small baking tray to allow easy freezing) This is the messy bit, well I made a right mess…
- You could add some seeds, dessicated coconut or other flavours. Sprinkle some into the bottom of the cases before spooning in the chocolate
- Put the chocolates into the freezer to set for about 20 mins – I couldn’t wait that long…
PS. Don’t forget to lick the bowl!
These are perfect for anyone who is allergic to nuts, milk or soya. It is possible to buy nut free chocolate, my favourites so far are nut free chocolate from Plamil, but they are not easy to find in supermarkets if you also need dairy and soya free chocolate.
Holland and Barrett do sell Plamil but often only the plain flavour and not the rum and raisin I love so much. You can buy direct from Plamil or try one of the other many online shopping sites like Goodness Direct.
However, for the pure fun of making them and having complete control over what flavour you make, creating your own chocolate treats is a fantastic idea. These chocolates from ChocChick taste amazing. The ingredients are just pure organic raw cacao butter and powder so there are no allergens in there at all.
The Choc Chick raw chocolate making kit comes with ideas for making truffles, chocolate drinks etc. You’ll have some cocoa powder left for this, so make sure you have cinnamon and some dairy free milk for a extra chocolate filled treat.
I write in fear and trepidation, but if you do not want to try your culinary skills, I have found OMBAR. Yummy, but lable says ‘may have trace of soya and nuts’. I have had no problems and am rather addicted. Have also found Organic MULU. Free from, dairy, refined sugar, gluten and soya. xx Jacquie
Hi Jacqui, I thought I had replied to you before I can’t see it. I will check this warning out as I am wary of nut warnings, especially in chocolate. I have even had slight itching from some ‘nut free’ Chocolate. But I know they are often there to protect or due to unverified suppliers. I will let you know what they say.
You’ve inspired me: I have a bag of cocoa butter lurking from a long-lost ambition to make my own. The last time I tried it was a disaster! Must give it another go in time for Christmas- maybe with some festive spices & a little orange extract…
Carly if I can do it, you can. You are an amazing cook. Do it! I’m going for orange extract next time or possibly expresso infusion. It’s so simple. Just try not to boil! Enjoy.
I’m allergic to nuts and want to make nut free, dairy and vegan chocolate. Is cocoa butter and normal cocoa safe and where which brands to get please? Thanks!
Hi there Anita, I have a whole blog on this here:
Hope you can fine one. I would recommend the Creative nature one.