There are so many gluten free beers to choose from these days but this month I have been mostly sampling Green’s gluten free beer range.
This is one for all you coeliacs or wheat allergics out there.

They are all delicious. Last night I enjoyed the deliciously refreshing Pilsner.
But my favourite, by a long way, has to be the amazing and totally naturally gluten free India Pale Ale. Shown above far left, but with the old label. I see from the website it does now have a funky new label designed like all the others.
The India Pale Ale contains: Naturally gluten free; water, sorghum, millet, buckwheat, hops, brown rice and yeast.
Now how on earth do they do it?
No barley.
No Wheat.
Just gluten free grains.
I have no idea how they’ve made this taste so like normal real ale, but even beer loving Mr What Allergy loves this one. He said…
“I couldn’t tell it wasn’t just a normal ale, it was very drinkable and could I have some more please?”
No! We don’t do sharing!
Don’t feel sorry for him, there is always ‘normal’ beer in the house.
You can buy Green’s beers on their website, the pilsner and ale are both available from Sainsbury’s and Ocado. If it’s not in stock, ask the staff – if we don’t ask, we don’t get people!
So which one is your favourite?
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