These allergen labels are really cool, waterproof and dishwasher proof. They would be really useful in any allergy household, or indeed for coeliacs. If you have a sticker lover in your household, these would also make a great stocking filler. So here’s a top ten reasons to label your food containers…
- They’re stylish and cool and I’d be proud to have them on my snack containers
- Waterproof
- Dishwasher proof
- Easy to remove if needs be
- Suitable for anyone with allergies or coeliac disease
- Sticker lovers will love them
- Great Christmas present idea or stocking filler
- Avoid cross contamination
- Avoid confusion about who should eat what
- Help teach kids what is safe to eat and how to keep their safe snacks safe
Labelling your freefrom snacks
I’ve been labelling my safe snacks for years, when I’m on holiday, or house sharing and even now I have my own home, so that anyone visiting knows the ones that are safe for me. I also have some NOT Ruth friendly biscuits clearly labelled for any visitors.

So basically, if you visit me, don’t go anywhere near these safe freefrom snacks. I don’t like sharing! And if I do share my allergen free snacks with you know I really, really like you 😉
Label what to avoid too…
You can also label containers that your little one should avoid, to help them and anyone caring for them also know what’s out of bounds. Eg. Contains Nuts!
These would work for caterers too, to help staff know which contain allergens.
I’ve also seen stickers used really well in Bella Italia, where they put a sticker on the side of the plate for the allergic diner, which says, in my case, ‘wheat free’ and ‘dairy free’ and ‘nut free’. It helps everyone to ensure the correct food reaches the right person.
Keep your Free From snacks safe
Let’s face it, allergen free snacks are just getting too good. People steal them all the time and they never replace them.
Gone are the days when no one wanted to try your free from snacks. Now they’re so good, no one can tell the difference.
Whether you are trying to protect your own snacks in your workplace, not happy sharing with your allergen guzzling family and friends, or need something to help your allergic little one to have some pride and ownership of their own safe snacks, these labels could be for you.
Sticker You provides a stylish and eye catching way to label your safe allergen free food.
Visit Allergy Labels to buy.
Sticker You is based in Canada but you can buy using any currency. Please allow 15 days for delivery to the UK.
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Love them so clean and simple
They’re cool aren’t they? Although they do loads of different types. A sticker lovers dream come true. Do we ever grow out of the love for a good sticker?