Over the years I’ve taken so many supplements to help my skin recover from eczema, including calcium, vitamin E, selenium, vitamin D, zinc, evening primrose and echinacea, to name just a few…
Ideally we should we be looking to get these minerals and vitamins from the food we eat so eating a diet rich in green leafy vegetables, fresh fruit and vegetables will help. If you consume a varied diet of different coloured fruits, vegetables, seeds and grains you should be getting most of what you need.
And the problem with supplements is that they are not food, they are not natural and so the body doesn’t always utilise them effectively. It can just flush through you without being effectively metabolised.
Look at what grows in abundance around us in our countryside such as nettles, burdock, dandelions, chickweed, cleavers (that velcro plant you used to stick on your friends backs) grow so well and we just treat them like weeds. The time to cleanse and help you body eliminate is spring and summer when they are growing everywhere. Harvest these plants and make teas and brews. Gather them, dry them by laying them out in the sunshine, then crumble and store in jars to use over winter.
I’ve been working with Rebecca Bonneteau the Eczema Expert to help me heal my skin from within, working on boosting and supporting all the organs in my body that need to be in top form to help remove toxins and cleanse my body.
Herbs for eczema
It’s important for me to point out that what Rebecca has suggested for me might not be the best thing for you, so do reach out to her to find out more. I completed a detailed questionnaire in order to decide on the best course of action. I also sent her close up pictures of my eyes which can tell you a surprising amount about how your body and organs are performing!
She’ll work with you to tailor the solutions to your budget and what will help you heal.
I’m taking the following tinctures:
- Dr Morses Adrenal Support – This contains a collection of herbs including Wild yam, cleavers, parsley, dandelion root, rhodiola, and other herbs. This was to help my adrenals which were particularly compromised, as is the case for many people going through TSW. This tincture forces the adrenals to wake up and get on with their job!
- Gentian – Digestive support to work on GI tract, repair, cleansing, calming the digestive system.
- Astragulus – A Chinese herb, used for lympatic cleansing and very alkalising. A good tonic for the thyroid gland that needs support.
- Burdock Root – Liver support and skin cleansing. Great for eczema and skin conditions. Helps calm inflammation.
- Nettle – Exceptionally nutritive from a mineral content perspective. Helps eliminate acid from the body.
- Milk Thistle – Good for elimination, detoxification and liver support.
- Alfalfa 500mg capsules – Packed with natural calcium and magnesium.
You might be interested in this detailed discussion about what we can do to support out bodies to help with eczema and TSW:
What supplements do you take?
What are your thoughts on taking them?
Michelle McGough says
Hello Ruth Holroyd, I just wanted to say that my son (23 yrs old) has allergies to outdoor Tree, Pollen, even cat and maybe dog, and dust. He is currently on
*Allergy Relief From Texas Trees Weeds & Grass drops
*Bioallers drops for dust and mold
He says hes not seeing much difference in his nose (because he will sniff through out the day) Is there something that you would suggest for these allergies that he has? Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to help!!
Ruth Holroyd says
Gosh it’s so hard isn’t it? I must write more about hay fever I think. Has he tried eye drops? I’ll share some links below that might help when I get the chance