How often do you throw out inhalers? And how do you dispose of them? I've never really given it much thought until I saw a sign outside a pharmacy recently saying 'Inhaler Recycling'. It got me thinking because I just throw mine in the bin. I'm a little bit disappointed in myself for not looking into this before. I am very conscious of all my other household waste and try … [Read more...]
Archives for September 2020
Ruth has a lot of these… allergies!
On my recent family holiday in the Lake District a funny thing happened. During a game of Taboo, someone had to describe the word ‘allergies’. If you've never played this game before, you have to describe a word without using a list of key words, so you can't say the actual word or other things e.g. YOU CANNOT SAY: ALLERGIES, ALLERGY, PEANUTS, ETC. They said, “Ruth has a … [Read more...]