I’ve wanted to pull together a list of the perfect gifts for the people with eczema in your life for a while, so here it is. It’s not easy to find thoughtful gifts for people who have allergies and sensitivities. Get creative with your gifts and think outside the chocolates and skin care box!

I know it can be hard to choosing something safe when they might be allergic to a food allergen and sensitive to skin care products etc. All those easy gift ideas are out of the window.
So here are my Top 10 things to give to anyone with allergies, eczema, asthma or any atopic condition!
- Anaphylaxis The Essential Guide – An Action Plan for living with life threatening allergies. It’s my book! This book would make a lovely stocking filler for anyone with allergies themselves or caring for someone. You can buy it as a kindle or in paperback on Amazon here. If you already have it, the best gift for me would be an Amazon review! Help me spread the word so others can find this book. Thank you all so much.
- Gnawbles and all the other Top14 allergen free Creative Nature products – Anyone who knows me will know much I love this company but seriously guys, you just can’t go wrong with any of their products, because they are all brilliant and all freefrom the main allergens. From Gnawbles to cake mixes and snack bars to the perfect pancake batter, I’ve tried them all. I am also a affiliate for these guys and love working with them. Visit their website and use my code WHATALLERGY10 to get 10% off everything you buy. Christmas needs Creative Nature!
- Lyonsleaf natural skincare – I absolutely love this brand of skincare products. All natural, independent and they grow most of the herbs and ingredients that go into their products. I have been recommending their products now for over a year and so far everyone who’s tried them loves them! My favourites are the Zinc and Calendula for when my skin is inflamed and irritated and the Marshallow balm for everyday moisturising. They look amazing, smell amazing and feel amazing on my skin. They have some deals on at the moment, for instance, sign up to their newsletter and you’ll get 15% off. Use my code WA20 for 20% off – And tell them I sent you. Visit their website to try and you won’t be disappointed.
- Balmonds skin care range – This is also one of my favourite natural skincare companies. I love their Skin Salvation and also the Lavender baby balm, I also use their shower wash and shampoo. If you have sensitive skin and find the high street brands irritate your skin, check these guys out. Visit their website here and use my code WHATALLERGY FOR 20% off.
- Passion Planner – If your friend loves writing, stationery and planning, this gorgeous leather bound Planner will bring joy every day. It’s beautifully crafted daily and weekly planners with sections to plan, set goals, reflect on achievements, make notes and just generally doodle and jot. They’re not cheap but they do have great referral programs and points system so you can save money on your future purchases, because once you’ve had one, you will want another planner! Visit their website to find out more here.
- An annual membership to TH+ From the TalkHealth Partnership – Packed with live events, meet-ups, online classes and massive giveaways, we’re convinced that it’s the best way to get the most out of our platform. Think of it a little like a health club membership – except without the aggro of having to leave your house! I’ll be trying it out so watch out for my feedback coming soon. Visit their website to enter to win a free month’s trial. and if you’re not successful it only costs £35 for an annual membership at the moment which is absolute BARGAIN!
- Calm App annual membership – I use this EVERY day and I am not exaggerating. I don’t manage a guided mediation every day but I do on most days. It’s just ten minutes of sitting, being still and trying to just be mindful to whatever message is playing that day. Just me and my breathing. I don’t get any commission or kick backs from this one I just bloody love what the do. I listen to talks, master classes and the short five minute Daily Spark to kick start your focus. Visit Calm to find out more. And if you are interested message me and I’ll invite you to a free month trial.
- Audible membership – With everything that’s been going on this year I’ve found it hard to focus my brain and very hard to read books at the moment. This is very hard for me as books were one of my true releases and give me great pleasure. What I have discovered is Audible membership. Literally thousands of audio books to choose from. I have the basic membership which costs me just £7 for one free book a month. However there are loads of free listens, professional podcasts only available to audible members and also free comedy, crime, drama and more. You won’t ever be left stuck waiting for the next token to activate with nothing to listen to. Although I’ve been devouring audio this year. I am all over Spotify podcasts, Podcasts anywhere really. Can’t get enough. When I’m walking, driving, cooking dinner, feeling blue. Ya know. Again I don’t get anything for promoting this, it’s just one my favourite things. To sign up visit the Audible website here. They also have a free 30 day Trial at the moment to what are you waiting for
- Spotify and Netflix – At the beginning of this year I treated myself to Audible, Spotify (paid for) and Netflix because I was deep in TSW and had reached the one year in hell milestone. I was going to choose one to keep but I can’t decide. All three are worth their weight. So I’m keeping them all. So my last suggestion is Netflix. I have been so impressed with the quality of films, series and documentaries. I’ve almost given up on normal TV. Spotify premium is just so much nicer without the adverts and it has all my playlists, for running, feeling sorry myself, positive vibes, and more. You can discover new music, find old music, listen to relaxing sleep musing and I also love the concentration tracks for when I need to really focus on work but don’t feel like being in silence.
- Give the gift of yoga – Pay it forward! I love this idea and think it could really catch on. Last month a kind yogi gifted me a yoga class and I had no idea who it was. I did find out that it was a lady I knew through running and saw at my local ParkRun on a number of occasion, we had mutual friends in common and I knew her well enough to say Hi, and comment on social media channels. You know when you think you know someone better than you actually. So thank you Karen xxx It was very much appreciated at a time when I was struggling a little financially. I was then gifted another class and I still don’t know who that one was from. So if you have a friend who you think might benefit from trying yoga or who you know loves it, why not buy them a class.
- Equal Eats Food Allergen Cards – Allergy eating out cards. If you have a friend who finds it hard eating out with their allergies, get them a set of food allergen cards, designed specially to help diners and chefs get allergic meals safe. You can these for any life threatening condition and also order translation cards to help you stay safe on holiday. Use my code WHATALLERGY for 10% off
- Medicalert Bracelet of necklace – If you have anaphylaxis to food or any other allergen, you should be wearing one of these medical ID bands to keep you safe. They’re affordable, comfortable and give you peace of mind when you may not be able to speak for yourself. You can get 15% off every purchase at MedicAlert with code What15Allergy.
- Supersoft Bamboo facecloths – These are amazing for any skin, but perfect on sensitive skin. Designed by a mum for her kids who have eczema and allergies. They are hypoallergenic, super soft, absorbent, antibacterial, eco friendly and perfect for sensitive skin. Use code: Ruth15 for 15% off.
- Smart Peak Flow meter – Peak flow readings automatically recorded on your phone. No paper, no writing, no excuses. Explanation of all your readings and how to best manage your asthma. Small compared to normal peak flow meter. Carry it anywhere and check your peak flow anytime. Reminders to take your readings. Share complete peak flow charts with your doctor from home. Connects with Bluetooth on any phone. British technology, made in Europe. 99% Accurate. You can buy these on Amazon.
- Allergy Cookbook – Get an allergy cookbook and branch out in the kitchen. Choose different meals to cook and try out different foods. Eating with allergens needn’t be boring and dull. It just takes some planning and preparation.
- Books – There are loads of really good books now for adults and kids with allergies. Check out this blog – Top 10 allergy books for adults and children. There are a few cook book suggestions too.
- Essential Oil diffuser – Stop buying candles filled with synthetic fragrances and paraffin wax and switch to an oil diffuser. Always buy good quality 100% pure essential oils. All they require is water and a few drops of oil. The oil can be expensive but lasts for ages. Great for anyone with asthma.
- Adult colouring book and fancy pens – yup even adults love a bit of distraction from the tech. Encourage them to zone out and make some magical colours pop. A great way to unwind and destress.
I’d love to hear your thoughts. Do any of these appeal to you? I could probably go on and on and on. Waterstones vouchers are also a great gift. people can buy online and it means a real bookshop benefits! Look at local businesses too. Your local farm shop, independent businesses and small companies. They really need our help this Christmas. I will also be giving the gift of yoga to some very lucky friends and that’s also a great gift idea. If you have a local studio or a favourite online teacher – I am currently spoilt for choice.
What are you gift ideas for people with allergies, eczema and asthma?
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