On September 23, 2019, hundreds of members of the eczema community gathered in person and by live webcast to share their experiences at the More Than Skin Deep patient-focused drug development (PFDD) meeting held in Silver Spring, MD. This meeting and a web-based survey was the first initiative of its kind for eczema.
Eczema is more than skin deep
It was hosted by five organisations serving the eczema community (Allergy & Asthma Network, Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, Global Parents for Eczema Research, International Topical Steroid Awareness Network, and National Eczema Association) in collaboration with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Download the ‘More than skin deep’ report here
What can you expect from the report?
It talks about all the challenges faced by those living with eczema and their caregivers. From the horrendous burden of the itch to challenging treatments and the future. It’s well worth a read if you are feeling overwhelmed by your own skin. You are not alone, eczema brings a huge emotional toll that is not well understood or supported by professionals.
“The burden of itch went far beyond a simple sensation. It contributes to long-lasting physical, mental, emotional, social, and financial tolls on the individual and family.“
More than skin deep report 2020
You can download your copy of the More than Skin Deep – Voice of the Patient report here:
Special thanks to Linette, Kelly and Keri for allowing me to share this.
- The Allergy and Asthma Network
- Global Parents for Eczema Research
- ITSAN – the charity for Topical Steroid Withdrawal
- National Eczema Association (US)
- National Eczema Society (UK)
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