Ever wanted to find somewhere safe to eat and had to spend ages searching the internet, contacting restaurants and searching for an allergen menu? If you have allergies or coeliac disease, this new website, Allergy Companions is a must follow.
“Allergy Companions is the Trip Advisor of the allergy world.”
Ruth at whatallergy.com
It has hundreds of reviews of restaurants, pubs and cafes that cater for allergies, have gluten free options and are safe for you allergy peeps.
It takes just a few minutes to review your favourite allergy safe food service establishment.
You can search for a town or city you’re visiting to see what choices you have.
It’s free and easy to use.
And best of all is that it was created by Liljia, who has allergic kids, because she wanted something like this to use herself.
Please support her. Give this website some love. Share your favourite cafes, restaurants and pubs and help us make eating out with allergies easier and safer.
Together we can make things better for the allergy community.
Get reviewing on Allergy Companions today! Spread the word!
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