Over the last year, after cutting out Topical Steroids I've really struggled with my sleep. Sometimes only getting a few hours, if that, and finding I finally drop off just hours before my alarm is due to go off. There seem to be strange cycles of hives, night sweats and anxiety that plague me all night. Coupled with the fact that I'm Peri-menopausal and you've got some … [Read more...]
Should you use your steroid inhaler during TSW?
This has really been worrying me. If you have asthma then you'll be familiar with those brown preventative inhalers and you'll also know that they contain steroids. That's just what they contain, not much we can do about that, and they work! They help you keep your asthma under control. But what if you are also cutting out topical steroids? Apologies to the asthma peeps … [Read more...]
Do you recycle used inhalers?
How often do you throw out inhalers? And how do you dispose of them? I've never really given it much thought until I saw a sign outside a pharmacy recently saying 'Inhaler Recycling'. It got me thinking because I just throw mine in the bin. I'm a little bit disappointed in myself for not looking into this before. I am very conscious of all my other household waste and try … [Read more...]
Ruth has a lot of these… allergies!
On my recent family holiday in the Lake District a funny thing happened. During a game of Taboo, someone had to describe the word ‘allergies’. If you've never played this game before, you have to describe a word without using a list of key words, so you can't say the actual word or other things e.g. YOU CANNOT SAY: ALLERGIES, ALLERGY, PEANUTS, ETC. They said, “Ruth has a … [Read more...]
We need to talk about my Gnawbles habit
I recently discovered Gnawbles from Creative Nature whilst testing products for the FreeFrom Food Awards but it wasn't until I met Julianne at an event in London that I finally succumbed! She had brought samples with her and I was able to try all the varieties. I was hooked! I have honestly never loved a sweet snack more. My favourite is the Hazlenot flavour, but they come … [Read more...]