Last week I was voted Free From Hero Award for 2021, sponsored by Natasha's Allergy Research Foundation, at the Free From Food Awards. I was completely bowled over. I still am. I've not really been on my social media channels or commented on it since the Awards. I kind of lost my marbles! Then had my niece to stay and just had a very well earned break from work, … [Read more...]
Coeliacs and Vegans have it easy
At the risk of alienating half my audience and many close friends... this is a rant that has been boiling for a while. I'd like to say firstly that I love you all very much... I'm just venting some frustration. All of my vegan and coeliac friends are amazingly accommodating of me and my allergies, probably because they understand what it's like having limited choice and also … [Read more...]
Patch testing for allergies and eczema triggers
Patch testing is done to ascertain what contact allergens e.g. chemicals, cleaning products and cosmetic and skin care ingredients could be causing allergic reactions and eczema. Small metal dishes which are pre-filled with different things are stuck to the back of the patient. The metal discs are kind of meshed into the sticky plasters in batches of about ten. I had … [Read more...]
Free From Hero Award Finalist!
OH MY GOD! Guys I can't believe this is happening. I've been nominated as a finalist in the Free From Hero Award 2021! I love these awards and have been judging, supporting and trawling the winners for many years now so this has blown me away. I've discovered so many new favourite brands that are now part of my regular free from shop (more on that in a future long overdue blog) … [Read more...]
What Allergy is 12 years old!
OMG my blog is nearly a teenager! How did that happen? The same age as two of my beautiful nieces! I hadn't realised she was born on the same year as them but oh how time flies. Yes What Allergy is a girl! Of course she is! It's been a wonderful journey. From the day I first began this blog, I've learnt so much and met so many amazing people along the way. So I thought I'd … [Read more...]