And in doing so, many may be cutting out major food groups with potentially no good reason to do so. This is nothing new, with the waiting lists for an appointment with allergy specialists people naturally turn to other sources of information. This recent report makes for worrying reading... Why are the UK public avoiding their GP? Over half of the UK say that … [Read more...]
Ruth has a lot of these… allergies!
On my recent family holiday in the Lake District a funny thing happened. During a game of Taboo, someone had to describe the word ‘allergies’. If you've never played this game before, you have to describe a word without using a list of key words, so you can't say the actual word or other things e.g. YOU CANNOT SAY: ALLERGIES, ALLERGY, PEANUTS, ETC. They said, “Ruth has a … [Read more...]
We need to talk about my Gnawbles habit
I recently discovered Gnawbles from Creative Nature whilst testing products for the FreeFrom Food Awards but it wasn't until I met Julianne at an event in London that I finally succumbed! She had brought samples with her and I was able to try all the varieties. I was hooked! I have honestly never loved a sweet snack more. My favourite is the Hazlenot flavour, but they come … [Read more...]
Top 10 health blog again!
I'm in the top 10 Vuelio Health Blogs in the UK again! This must be about the fifth year running and I'm really pleased to be amongst such good quality blogs again. Blogging is hard work. Often a thankless task. And you can feel like you're screaming into a huge, dark abyss as getting comments on a blog is like finding hen's teeth! So without further ado, well done and … [Read more...]
She’s not fat and that’s not eczema!
This is something I've been wanting to write about for a long time. Diversity is a huge subject at the moment and it affects so many areas of our lives. As a human nation we are all different sizes, different colours and come from wide ranging backgrounds. We all have different challenges in our lives and yet if you look at the media, at the visual representation of our nation, … [Read more...]