If you are allergic to latex you should look into the foods that can cross react with this allergy as it may explain any issues you have and allergic reactions you get from certain fruit and vegetables. What is papaya? Papaya (paw paw) is a tropical fruit of the Caricaceae family which grows in Central America. It is generally very well tolerated. It is low in … [Read more...]
A letter to the NHS… no more antihistamines?
This week I had a call from a lovely lady at my local doctors surgery to tell me that I would no longer be able to get anti-histamines on prescription. Why? Because I can get them over the counter. Well yes, technically, I CAN get antihistamines over the counter, but not the ones I am prescribed where I can get a box with lots in, and also stronger doses than the over the … [Read more...]
Living in a house full of nuts
And I don't mean the people are crazy... haha, I mean nuts, particularly peanuts make an appearance on a regular basis where I'm living at the moment. I did grow up in a house with peanuts; my father used to make his own peanut butter, my siblings both used to eat nuts and even the eczema bath oil I was prescribed contained nuts - not surprising that I had such appalling … [Read more...]
Allergy fear-induced panic attack in a cafe…
Recently I experience the best of times and worst of times. It was a Saturday and I broke my ParkRun PB (24:46 at Rickmansworth). I also broke a few of my rules for staying alive and faced some pretty startling side effects. I wasn't going to share this blog because I prefer to share positive things and messages. And also because quite frankly I'm embarrassed. But I found it … [Read more...]
In response to Raymond Blanc on allergic diners
I've just read the recent article in the Daily Mail about Raymond's Blanc's issues with food allergic and intolerant diners. I have always loved Raymond, not least because his rather more affordable Braserie Blanc restaurant has an allergen menu which I can order from safely. You can read about Brasserie Blanc with allergies here. So I was a little disappointed to … [Read more...]