First of all, you are not alone. The first thing you need to do, if you have a diagnosis for a serious life threatening allergy is to arm yourself with all the information you can. Get the best help, get tests done, see a specialist. Easier said than done I know, but don't give up, if you are not happy with the advice you've been given keep on searching. Find out exactly … [Read more...]
Wheat free, unprocessed, sprouted rye bread tested
For years I've been trying to eat less processed food and bread is one of the harder things to crack. I discovered EverFresh Sprouted Rye bread at Food Matters Live last week. (Thank you EverFresh for the free loaf to try) THE best thing about this bread is that it's only got one ingredient. Sprouted Rye. So no horrible preservatives and mould inhibitors. Just 100% sprouted … [Read more...]
The FreeFromers guide to Food Matters Live 2017
Food Matters Live is the UK's first cross-sector event which brings together the food and drink industry, retailers, foodservice providers, government and those working in nutrition, to enable collaboration and innovation to support a sustainable food landscape for the future. The three day event has been running now for a number of years at the Excel in London. Visit the … [Read more...]
Don’t give up on me… I’m still here!
I feel so bad. I've been neglecting you all. But please rest assured I haven't gone anywhere and I still have loads of plans for useful and helpul blogs all piling up just waiting to be written. Lots has been going on behind the scenes. I've been redesigning the whole What Allergy blog so very soon it will have a fresh new look and feel. I hope you like the new version and … [Read more...]
50% more people have hay fever this year
Is your hay fever getting worse? Or do you have it now for the first time as an adult? A recent study revealed that there has indeed been quite a staggering rise. We all love the summer, but that warm, dry weather brings with it clouds of pollen, dust and hay fever; spring and summer can be miserable for those who have hay fever. I've noticed that just in my circle of … [Read more...]