Dr Robert Boyle can be heard talking about how you are more likely to be murdered than die from anaphylaxis on Inside Health which features adrenaline auto-injectors and their suitability for general use. I have written about this before a while ago when Dr Boyle published his research in 2013 comparing allergy death to murder. Read 'Delighted to hear that food allergy … [Read more...]
Why ALL women with anaphylaxis should have an ultrasound
You might think I'm crazy, suggesting you go and get an ultrasound before requesting a repeat prescription of your adrenaline auto-injector but it's very important for women to understand something about adrenaline injectors. They are not all the same. Some have shorter needles and some women's thighs have more fat on them than others. Imagine if you were carrying around an … [Read more...]
A day in the life of an allergy nurse
Do you have an allergy nurse? Do you even have a specialist allergy consultant? I know many of us adults with life threatening allergies don't. I myself have never managed to get that referral to an allergy specialist though I am very lucky to have been taken on my Dr John Reed, Dermatologist at Churchill Hospital. Read on for an insight into what an allergy nurse does … [Read more...]
Kissing eases eczema and allergy symptoms
You heard it here first! Kissing is good for you. Well we all know that, but kissing when you have eczema and allergies could be particularly beneficial! I love this piece of news, more proof that snogging is seriously underated and I can't think of a much better treatment for eczema and allergies, can you? [Thank you Kym for this gem of news] This study, conducted by … [Read more...]
New ‘water’ vacuum cleaner for dust allergies
This month I have been testing out the new Thomas Allergy Air Pure vacuum. Isn't he cute? Having quite a severe allergy to dust myself vacuuming isn't my favourite passtime. I've used a MediVac hoover for years but it has seen better days and the hoover bag for it is no longer available so we have to use slightly ill fitting paper bags which split and rip - thus subjecting … [Read more...]