This is really a little mini rant for my Mum who recently braved the 'catering for the allergic girl' challenge. She's pretty good at it now but almost fell foul to hidden dairy in cooked chicken. What is it even in there for? Why is there milk in cooked chicken? If you have a dairy allergy or family who do make sure you do check all cooked or processed meats. I'm sure you … [Read more...]
Is depression an allergic reaction to inflammation?
Just a very quick blogette for you today. I saw this, which is actually not new news, it was reported in January this year but still merits attention. New research has discovered that some depression is caused by an allergic reaction to inflammation in the body. I have long suspected that this might be the case since low moods plague me when inflammation is out of control in … [Read more...]
Exciting FreeFrom range – available at Holland & Barrett
You may have seen my recent blog about the launch of the new Holland & Barrett More store in Chester. Oh how I wish I lived in Chester - the new More Store there is A-Mazing. It is like an Aladdin's cave for freefromers, packed full of products you may not have discovered before. This week I've been looking at some of the new Holland & Barrett products that are … [Read more...]
Our story – allergy and anaphylaxis – the first diagnosis – by Karen and Ian Connell
This is Ian and Karen's story, about how they discovered their little three year old daughter was allergic to nuts and getting that first anaphylaxis diagnosis... Ian tells the story about how something so simple as feeding the birds started the allergic reactions. Just feeding the birds In March 2014 my little girl JoJo and I were out in the garden feeding the birds, as … [Read more...]
Beware Stork WITH butter – NOT dairy free
Apart from being a very tall, long legged wading bird, Stork is every dairy allergics kitchen saviour when making pastry or cookies; it means you don't need butter at all but can still make fantastic pies and baked goods. Pastry is just as good with stork, you wouldn't even know it wasn't made with butter from the taste. Originally created in the 1930's Stork margarine became … [Read more...]