Well this morning the allergic community has been up in arms at recent coverage of the new EU regulations about food allergens. You can read the whole article here in the Telegraph, "EU chefs attack new EU regulations in allergens in food". In December last year a new law made it necessary for anyone selling food prepared on the premises from small cafes, restaurants and … [Read more...]
Top 8 clean, healthy wheat & gluten free bread
Have you ever looked at the ingredient's list on gluten free bread and wept for just a simple bread with flour, water,salt and yeast? It seems impossible to achieve and although there are now some amazing gluten free breads on the market including Genius, NewBurn BakeHouse and M&S gluten free bread, these all contain xantham gum, methyl cellulose and mould inhibitors. … [Read more...]
What’s in the allergic girl’s handbag?
What do you never leave home without? I am one of those people with a Mary Poppin's type bag, inside which I carry around everything but the kitchen sink. Sometimes I wish I could leave the house with nothing, but there are so many things I have to take that I end up covering every eventuality. Let's start with the bag itself. It is ginormous. There are the obvious … [Read more...]
We need to see disabilities and allergies as normal
On 13th January Newsnight featured a segment on disabilities in acting and film making. The debate focused on criticism of the recent Stephen Hawking film, 'The Theory of Everything' where the lead part of Stephen is played by Eddie Redmayne. The complaints were about disabilities - how could Eddie, an able bodied healthy actor who does not have ALS possibly know how someone … [Read more...]
Is depression a kind of allergic reaction?
Thanks to my friend Andy for sharing this link to an article from the Guardian, "Is depression a kind of allergic reaction?", which explores recent research and the views of many scientists who believe that depression is increasingly a result inflammation caused by the body's immune system. New research has discovered that some depression is caused by an allergic reaction to … [Read more...]