Happy New year from everyone at What Allergy head quarters (that'll be me then). 2014 has been an amazing year; I've learnt loads, not just about myself and my own allergic reactions but I continue to learn so much from everyone I meet and all of you who share your experiences and comment on the blog. I've achieved so much from speaking at public events to winning awards and … [Read more...]
Can you eat mini cheddars?
Do you ever feel the steam rising when people who know you have allergies keep on offering you unsuitable snacks or foods? I think it's just an instinctive sharing thing, I think people don't mean to make you want to scream inside... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO For the love of God, I have been allergic to dairy now for over 15 YEARS … [Read more...]
If being obese is a disability so is having allergies
I couldn't quite believe what I was hearing on the news today, that being fat can constitute a disability. The EU court ruling means bosses of obese staff who meet the criteria of the ruling would have to provide them with larger seats, special parking spaces and other facilities. What? This is crazy. I am totally in agreement that if someone needs a bigger chair, or special … [Read more...]
The Best Anti-Allergen Bedding
No one wants to be beset by coughing, sneezing, breathing difficulties and a feeling of general malaise; although unfortunately nowadays it seems that more and more people every year are being affected by allergies. Although animal-based allergies are very common, the most common at present are allergic reactions caused by dust mites and their droppings. Living inside of our … [Read more...]
The ultimate freefrom advent calendar – no chocolate
I have a bugbear about Christmas at the moment and that is chocolate advent calendars. What is this obsession with chocolate or treat filled calendars? We never had these when I was a kid (showing my age there); instead we had the old fashioned card type with a picture on it with doors hidden, to reveal different Christmassy images behind. The ultimate freefrom advent … [Read more...]