This is a hot topic in the allergy world, flying with allergies. I have a very interesting blog here from my friend Jacqui who recently flew to the good-ol-US-of-A for a holiday of a lifetime. She asked me for advice about the trip, where to go when she got there for gluten free food and I have to admit, apart from saying "Take your own supplies" I wasn't really much help. I … [Read more...]
We’ve had 2 million views – thank you all!
Incredible news, hot off the press. This is just a short blog post because I think it's pretty cool. You and over two million other allergy and eczema people have read this blog. WOW! Over Two Million people have visiting in total, over all time. Not in one day. Whoah! Now that would get me in trouble with my blog server. Who would have predicted that … [Read more...]
Sainsbury’s prawn crackers contain milk!
Recently I ate some prawn crackers. I love prawn crackers. They are one of those snacks which I can often enjoy because prawn crackers are gluten, wheat and dairy free. Woo Hoo. They do contain fish and egg so are no good if you are allergic to these allergens but for me, they're tasty and make a change from ready salted crisps! I eat these ones Marks & Spencer … [Read more...]
Indoor Allergies – Effective Natural Relief and Protection
Allergy UK Indoor Allergy Week – 20th -26th October 2014 The onset of the colder weather and the wilting of the flowers will come as a relief for the millions of Brits who have spent the summer battling with hayfever symptoms. But for so many more, the allergy battle is just getting started with approximately 20% of the population* who are allergic to their own homes, … [Read more...]
Anaphylaxis Campaign 20 years celebration
The Anaphylaxis Campaign has now been going for 20 years and have achieved so much in that time. I remember reading about the charity in the Telegraph, some months after my first serious anaphylactic reaction and feeling complete panic hearing about David Reading's daughter, who sadly passed away after an anaphylactic reaction to nuts. I joined the society to find out more … [Read more...]