Back from the B.S. Back from the B.S. Back from the BSACI. This weekend I was in Telford at the annual BSACI conference. The BSACI is the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology and they organise an annual meeting, amongst other smaller events. The theme "Allergy – Towards True Multidisciplinary Care" celebrates the best of allergy care, a strong multidisciplinary … [Read more...]
Are you allergic to bad grammar?
Being a writer and a bit of a grammar pedant this cartoon made me laugh, probably more so because I am all three, an allergic writer who is pedantic about spelling and grammar. I saw it on Facebook last week and just had to share it. Thought you could all do with some allergy laughs. Anyone else allergic to grammar? I have to really stop myself correcting mistakes in … [Read more...]
Why are oxygen chambers so effective at healing?
Why does going in the chamber work better than sitting on the wall breathing O2? Henry's Law states that a liquid can hold a certain quantity of gas at a given pressure. If you increase the outside pressure then the liquid can hold more gas than previously. So if you double the amount of external pressure then the liquid (in this case, your blood) can carry twice the amount of … [Read more...]
Oxygen Therapy for eczema and allergies
This week I've been doing something very peculiar. I've been diving to great depths, but not the kind of diving that involves water. I've just started an intensive month of oxygen therapy at The Chilterns MS Centre in Halton. Before I go any further, I do not have MS but I am very proud to live so close to such an amazing facility for those who do. It is a charity which is very … [Read more...]
Wheat free and gluten free lager / real ale
I'm really doing this for myself as a reference because I have a wheat allergy and a love of real ale - not always a good combination. I plan to contact the brewers to find out if their draft beer is made with the same recipe as their bottled beer. Could you safely assume that this would be the case? Then if the pub is a well kept and maintained and I know the beer is good … [Read more...]