This is just a very short blog to say thank you to all of you have visited my humble blog and left comments and joined in discussions. It really does help to hear what you think, even if it's a really short comment and you don't have to agree with everything. Debates are healthy - especially if it increases allergy awareness. I have lots planned for 2014 and it's all very … [Read more...]
Are tiger nuts actually nuts?
Ever heard of tiger nuts? They sound very like nuts but are actually the small dried edible tuber of a kind of sedge which is grown in the ground like potatoes. Also known as cyperus esculentus or chufa sedge, nut grass, yellow nutsedge, tigernut sedge, or earth almond it is found in sub tropical countries and parts of Europe. Today it's popular in Spain and is used to make a … [Read more...]
Always check labels – milk in Tyrells vegetable crisps
You know when you go to parties and you either take your own food, eat before you go or speak to the host to check which foods might be suitable for you? Well the one thing I have always known were OK and that are easy to spot at a party were the vegetable crisps. These are always safe right? Despite knowing they are always safe I still check the ingredients because you … [Read more...]
Delighted to hear that food allergy death is less likely than murder
We really can't thank Dr Robert Boyle enough for sharing the amazing news that we, the allergic community, are far more likely to die at the hands of a murderer than from a fatal anaphylactic attack. I'm so pleased. I walk around perpetually terrified of murderers on every corner (NOT). Following me into restaurants, hiding in friend's houses, at dinner parties, in hotels, … [Read more...]
Should people with allergies stay at home?
Eating out with an allergy, risk of anaphylaxis or coeliac disease is a challenge. If you have multiple allergies it becomes even trickier. Not only do you need to communicate the severity of your allergy, you also need to discover what risks might be lurking in the kitchen. Do they understand cross contamination and the simple steps they could take to avoid them? Do the staff … [Read more...]