Eating out with an allergy or coeliac disease is a challenge. If you have multiple allergies it becomes even trickier. Not only do you need to communicate the severity of your allergy, you also need to discover what risks might be lurking in the kitchen. Do they understand cross contamination and the simple steps they could take to avoid them? Do the staff even understand what … [Read more...]
A funny story about having allergies – beware of the teaspoons…
This is a true story which had me rolling on the floor laughing. One of my clients is based in Hemel and I love going into the office. They are really good at understanding that I have allergies and there is always lots of herbal tea available for me. They always take care when making my dairy free drink and it's just a small thing, but it makes going there fun and me feel … [Read more...]
Weekly freefrom shop with allergies – 8 in 1 week!
Have you ever analysed how long it takes you to do your weekly allergen friendly food shop? If you're like me you'll stock up, use the freezer for home made ready meals and soups but in one week I can be going to four or five different shops to get different things. I'd been thinking about blogging about this and then I read about a study looking into just - how hard it is … [Read more...]
Snail allergy cross reaction with dust mite allergy
This is Keene's story about having a very rare allergy to snails which might have something to do with the very common allergy he also has to dust mites. Allergy to house dust mites is fairly well known but could there possibly be any connection between that and the slimy molluscs he also has to avoid? Keene has had one anaphylactic reaction to snails, in Holland while on … [Read more...]
Almonds can contain traces of peanut
If you have a nut, peanut or any allergy really cross contamination, especially with nuts which are often stored in large warehouses in open sacks or containers, you MUST remember that it is very hard to guarantee no traces of other nuts. This product alert today just goes to consolidate that fear. MULTIPLE RETAILERS - Ground Almonds - peanut traces warning If you … [Read more...]