If you have allergies and food intolerances the chances are you don't eat out often, and if you do you have your processes and systems in place to ensure you remain safe. Always phoning ahead, sticking to simple dishes like salads, steak and ham, egg and chips; it means you can eat out with friends and family relatively safely but it's not completely satisfactory. It's not … [Read more...]
Wine that contains milk / dairy – a list of producers
It seems that some wine producers are slowly updating their labels to show the inclusion of milk, egg and other allergens as fining agents. However it's not easy to get a handle on which wine to drink, especially when you're out or in a pub. Do you ask to see the label and read to see what allergens it contains? Are you brave enough? Not so bad in pubs but in restaurants they … [Read more...]
In denial about allergies and grieving for food
When you lose a loved one or grieve for your loss that person is gone. The physical presence is no longer there and whilst they are very much alive in certain things, experiences, smells and memories they are not there any more. With time the grief becomes easier to bear, the tears spring to your eyes less freely and you see that life has to go on and you have to go on living … [Read more...]
10 reasons to be cheerful about allergies
It can be too easy to slip into a ‘why me?’ mentality and obsess over what you now cannot do, and jealousy of your friends creeps in. They can eat what they want, drink what they want, wear the make-up they want and go wherever they want without a moment’s thought. Anyone who has any allergies will understand the heartache of having an allergic attack. At first you don’t … [Read more...]
What are you doing for World Allergy Week 2013?
World Allergy Week is from 8th to 14th April 2013 is an annual initiative of the World Allergy Organization (WAO), together with its Member Societies, to raise awareness of allergic disease and related disorders and advocate for the provision of training and resources in the diagnosis, management, and prevention of these diseases and asthma, which are rising in prevalence … [Read more...]