This week I spent a day at the House of Commons to lobby MPs about allergies. This event was organised by the National Allergy Strategy Group (NASG) with the All Party Group for Allergies. Chaired by John Cruddas MP and Mandy East of NASG the meeting was to assess where we are ten years on and what needs to be done in the future. If we don't shout about this, nothing will … [Read more...]
How many days have I lost to you my allergy?
How many days? A short poem by Ruth Holroyd, about frustration. Grrrr. How many days have I lost to you my allergy? Weeks curled in pain. Lost in shame. Senses all aflame. And feeling somehow I must be to blame. And now I’ve learned to live with you my allergy I’m stronger from the pain Loving food again No longer feel insane Thank goodness I can still drink champagne … [Read more...]
Are serious life threatening allergies, severe eczema and asthma a disability?
Now here's an idea for you all. Should people with life threatening allergies, severe eczema and asthma and coeliac disease be claiming disability allowance? This isn't something that I would ever have considered before but someone suggested that I should be claiming disability allowance recently. I didn't agree. Why should I? I'm completely alright, I live a very fulfilled … [Read more...]
How do you explain allergies to your small child?
This is a subject that comes up time and time again at the Allergy Support Group I organise with The Anaphylaxis Campaign and it's not a simple answer. Every child, mother and family is different and there are so many ways to approach this but here are a few that proved really helpful and positive: Tell them they're special - Explain to them that their body is actually … [Read more...]
Soya allergy – a complex issue…
Soya allergy is one of the top 13 allergens that have to labelled in the UK and until just this year it wasn't one I was particularly worried about. Soya is part of the legume family along with dried peas, beans, lentils, peanuts and carob. Interesting to note that I also have an peanut allergy but as far as I am aware, can eat peas, beans and lentils without … [Read more...]