You've all seen the statistics about the rise in the number people with allergies but we tend think of young children as the most at risk. However there are a growing number of people who find that after a completely allergy free life they suddenly, in their late 70's, 80's or even 90's develop allergies, eczema, psoriasis or asthma. Why are more old people getting … [Read more...]
Medical bracelet or allergy tattoo?
Have you ever considered getting a tattoo? Many people are not in favour of body art in any way, but what if you could perhaps get your allergies, medical number and details tattooed instead? It changes the argument and most people I've talked to about this actually thought this was a great idea. But consider also that people can grow out of allergies - what then? Painful … [Read more...]
From June 2012 ALL wine MUST label egg and milk
Further to a recent blog on wine labelling, this explains why some wine brands seem to show all ingredients and others do not. There is a cut off date based on when the wine was produced of 30 June 2012. Wine produced before this date doesn't need to be labelled but after this date is should be. Here is the latest from the Food Standards Agency: "COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) … [Read more...]
Gluten and wheat free flour conversion chart
Thanks to one of my followers on Facebook I came across this clever gluten free flour conversion chart (thanks Amanda). I thought I'd share it with you all on here as a little Christmas gift. It shows you how to mix gluten free flour when your using a recipe and should ensure you arrive at a fairly descent food in the end. I've used flour blends in the past with xanthum gum … [Read more...]
Make your own allergen free gravy
A recent question from a reader prompted this latest blog post, which I've been meaning to do for some months now. I've written about gravy and stock cubes before in "Which gravy and stock cubes are allergen free?" However this reader was looking for something with no allergens at all: "NO: yeast, sugar, garlic, onion etc., lactose, beetroot, marmite, malt, bovril (not sure … [Read more...]