You might think wine containing milk is a crazy idea. Milk and wine don't mix! No they do not... but recently I discovered, after sharing a bottle of white wine from The Co-op, that this wine did indeed have a warning label declaring quite clearly that it contained MILK. The ingredient used was potassium caseinate (from milk), which according to wine manufactures is processed … [Read more...]
Five proofs that allergies aren’t so modern
We've heard it before, "They didn't have allergies in my day..." and I always feel a little like people are saying this and thinking I'm making it up. As if in their day people were healthier and just got on with things. I do think that many modern influences have caused a rise in allergies including processed food, excessive hygiene and cleanliness, chemicals in buildings … [Read more...]
Allergy Support Group – so what goes on?
Thank you so much to Anuja, Sharon, Rich and Jenny for coming along - I was worried nobody would and that I'd end up sitting alone munching on my home made freedom cookies. Thankfully, they came, and this is what one of them said, "Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the meeting yesterday. Thank you very much for organising it." Well, thank you for coming along! Quite a … [Read more...]
New 5p and 10p coins raise Nickel allergy concerns
One doesn't carry coins, just like the Queen! I remember being diagnosed with nickel allergy as a teenager after new earrings caused a nasty reaction in my newly pierced ears; the doctor quite seriously advised me to avoid all nickel, including not carrying coins and keys. Great advice - luckily my royal equerry can carry those for me and open doors so I don't even have to … [Read more...]
Why The Allergy Show IS great!
If you read my blog you'll know that I had a pretty bad time at The Allergy Show. I missed all the great talks which I think are one of the best things about the show. It's an opportunity to learn from industry leads and hear our top experts sharing news, views, new advancements and techniques for coping. It's great to see all the major supermarkets vying for our freefrom … [Read more...]