By sheer chance the day I am writing this blog post is also World Asthma Day. Provision, support and expertise for asthma in the NHS always seems far better than for other conditions, like eczema and allergies. Asthma can kill, quite quickly if not controlled and managed well, so this makes sense and coupled with allergies as well, if asthma is stable any allergic reaction … [Read more...]
Anti allergenic cleaning products
Many people have sensitivities and allergies without knowing the cause. Being in certain environments can cause some people to get itchy skin, a runny nose, watery eyes, or a tight feeling in the chest. Often it can be difficult to pinpoint the cause of the allergy as there are a multitude of factors which could contribute: pet hair, dust mites, personal grooming products and … [Read more...]
Are serious life threatening allergies, severe eczema and asthma a disability?
Now here's an idea for you all. Should people with life threatening allergies, severe eczema and asthma and coeliac disease be claiming disability allowance? This isn't something that I would ever have considered before but someone suggested that I should be claiming disability allowance recently. I didn't agree. Why should I? I'm completely alright, I live a very fulfilled … [Read more...]
Sit still and stay calm! How important is this when having an allergic reaction?
It's Saturday morning and the list of chores is written. I am about to rush out with errands to complete and urgent supplies to purchase when I reach down and take a lovely gulp of tea but... panic, panic, it's the WRONG tea! My husband has real milk in his and I find myself standing in the middle of the kitchen clutching the WRONG mug! A gulp of tea from the wrong mug! I'm … [Read more...]
Can Derren Brown cure allergies?
Anyone who watched Derren Brown's latest phsychological programme will have seen him having quite staggering results helping people to overcome their fears using a placebo drug. Sounds great, but some of the people on the programme had allergies, asthma and dermatitis. The coverage was sketchy but there were random comments from participants saying they had less asthma and … [Read more...]