Is your house clean and safe? We all probably assume that it is, but there could be some very dangerous things in your home... We insulate our houses and try to make them as air-tight and cosy as possible, especially in winter. Then we stuff them with plug-in air fresheners, fragrances, man-made furniture and fittings etc, which are all treated with fire retardant coatings and … [Read more...]
Allergens in the bedroom: How to control them
Life can be exceptionally annoying if one suffers from allergic reactions. A trip to a friend’s house becomes marred by an absurd amount of coughing and spluttering, insects are treated with a disdain more indicative of a far larger and more menacing animal, and warm summer walks require dark glasses and a whole box of tissues to mop your streaming eyes. With so many allergens … [Read more...]
National Indoor Allergy Week – what will you do?
I had never heard of National Indoor Allergy Week before, but I realised last week that it happens every year on the last week of October and focuses on raising awareness of the various things that can cause indoor allergies and sharing tips and tricks for sufferers about how to cope. Indoor allergies can be triggered by house dust mites, mould, pets and their dander and … [Read more...]