If you have eczema, topical steroid withdrawal, asthma, or any other condition that may hinder the wearing of masks or make it uncomfortable, cause anxiety or exacerbate symptoms, here's some observations, tips and advice. If you really do not want to wear a face mask there are many reasons that you may be exempt. To download and print an exemption card visit the … [Read more...]
Working with a chronic illness
Working with a chronic illness is something I have first hand experience of, having navigated full time employment with severe allergies, anaphylaxis and severe eczema and it's a hard one to write about. Because it's not easy. I've had some ups and downs, some really good experiences and some really bad ones. But I do hope that as a nation we are becoming more aware of … [Read more...]
Shortlisted in UK’s Mental Health and wellbeing Awards
I'm really excited to be shortlisted in The UK’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Awards, for an award in the category ofInspirational Mental Health Story (lived experience). It's organised by The Root of it and The Mental Health Tick and I'm so excited to be attending an awards ceremony on Zoom later this month. Getting awards like this makes blogging, campaigning and raising … [Read more...]
Skin picking, dermatillomania, excoriation advice
Now this is a subject very close to my heart, Skin Picking! The medical term for skin picking is dermatillomania or excoriation and I think I've got it big time. I am terrible for picking flakes of skin and scabs. Mainly it's scabs before they're healed and skin flakes because there are just so many of them! I can sit for hours picking. But if I have clear skin, I'm not … [Read more...]
Does eczema affect body image?
I know 100% that having eczema all my life has affected my body image and how I have judged, quote wrongly, my worth and value in this world. I was really fortunate to have CBT counselling a few years ago and was shocked to discover how wrapped up my fears, anxieties and completely wrong judgements stemmed from how having eczema made my feel, as a human, as a woman and how I … [Read more...]