If you have eczema, topical steroid withdrawal, asthma, or any other condition that may hinder the wearing of masks or make it uncomfortable, cause anxiety or exacerbate symptoms, here's some observations, tips and advice. If you really do not want to wear a face mask there are many reasons that you may be exempt. To download and print an exemption card visit the … [Read more...]
Topical Steroid Withdrawal and eczema of the genitals
Eczema or TSW of the genitals is a delicate subject that affects more people going through topical steroid withdrawal, eczema and sensitive skin than you may realise. It is particularly a problem for women due to the anatomical make up and delicate balance inside the vagina, but can also affect men's genitals too. What on earth do you do when you get eczema, oozing, … [Read more...]
Topical Steroids harm us, not heal us
We expect our doctors and the expert dermatologists who treat us will help heal us, not harm us. It's not too much to ask is it? I think we all expect that basic truth. Doctors should all have one main aim, to help patients get better. You've no doubt heard the term 'Bedside Manner', referring to a doctor's ability to find compassion, listen and ensure the patient feels … [Read more...]
Wireless, comfy bras for sensitive, eczema and TSW skin
I've never liked bras much, they cost a lot of money and most of us just want to take them off the minute we get home. Having a sore, painful skin condition adds an extra complication to this every day clothing item. Have you ever wished your bra was softer, more comfortable and less irritating? I've toyed with the idea of ditching the bra and just burning them all but as … [Read more...]
Can a water softener help eczema?
I’ve often wondered whether investing in a water softener at home could help my skin. Living in a very hard water area, my skin has always felt tight, stiff and dry after bathing and the difference when staying in soft water areas was always markedly better.I also bathed in lake Windermere a few years ago and that natural pure water felt amazing against my skin too and didn’t … [Read more...]