On September 23, 2019, hundreds of members of the eczema community gathered in person and by live webcast to share their experiences at the More Than Skin Deep patient-focused drug development (PFDD) meeting held in Silver Spring, MD. This meeting and a web-based survey was the first initiative of its kind for eczema. Eczema is more than skin deep It was hosted by five … [Read more...]
My Skincare Wishes for 2021
This is inspired by a blog from The British Skin Foundation, written by Consultant Dermatologist Dr Anjali Mahto. Anjali also wrote The Skincare Bible (I've just been inspired to buy a copy). Buy The Skincare Bible She gives her predictions on skincare trends for the coming year as follows: Less is moreMultipurpose productsRepresentation of Skin of … [Read more...]
TSW Update – 23 months steroid free!
I stopped using topical steroids on the 21st January 2019 and used Protopic for the last time on the 30th March 2019. That's 701 days or 23 months and 1 day Topical Steroid Free (at the time of writing) And 633 days or 20 months and 22 days Protopic Free (at the time of writing) These figures go up every day. And every day I am so glad I took this decision. I … [Read more...]
Reporting TSW using the Yellow Card scheme
If you're reading this there is a chance you've used topical steroids for eczema and are going through Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) or suspect you are currently experiencing Topical Steroid Addiction (TSA). It can feel like you've been dealt a really harsh blow, using medication to fix you skin and finding it's been damaged beyond recognition. You are not powerless, you … [Read more...]
Tachyphylaxis – when the drugs don’t work
There isn't a satisfying word for this. A word to describe what's been happening to me over the last few years. We describe it as Topical Steroid Withdrawal but that's just not catchy. It's a mouthful and I have to explain it often, not that I mind, it's my favourite subject after running and allergies! We have the same problems in the allergy world with terms like … [Read more...]