Over the last year, after cutting out Topical Steroids I've really struggled with my sleep. Sometimes only getting a few hours, if that, and finding I finally drop off just hours before my alarm is due to go off. There seem to be strange cycles of hives, night sweats and anxiety that plague me all night. Coupled with the fact that I'm Peri-menopausal and you've got some … [Read more...]
Should you use your steroid inhaler during TSW?
This has really been worrying me. If you have asthma then you'll be familiar with those brown preventative inhalers and you'll also know that they contain steroids. That's just what they contain, not much we can do about that, and they work! They help you keep your asthma under control. But what if you are also cutting out topical steroids? Apologies to the asthma peeps … [Read more...]
Healing bad hand eczema
I've always struggled with the skin on my hands and can't remember having soft skin, although I think I must have done at some point. Over the years I've come up with my own way of giving them a bit of TLC to help them heal. Healing hand eczema flares When my hands get bad I treat them to a kind of pampering session, an intensive treatment to try to give them a helping … [Read more...]
Atopic dermatitis life hacks
I am so thrilled to have been involved with this brilliant initiative to raise awareness of atopic dermatitis, what it's like living with AD, and our life hacks for coping. This photo was actually taken in October 2018, nearly two years ago... It's a lovely memory of the day I met four lovely ladies who I have remained friends with to this day and I am so proud to call … [Read more...]
Can gel gloves help heal hand eczema?
I've always had hand eczema which has bothered me throughout my life, but during Topical Steroid Withdrawal, my hands are one of the areas worst affected by symptoms. So when I saw fellow TSW and eczema friend Amara sharing her experience of using these gloves I was really interested. It looked like a very natural, simple and promising treatment for my hands. The skin on my … [Read more...]