If you have asthma you may well have been prescribed a Ventolin blue reliever inhaler to help reduce symptoms of asthma attacks. I've certainly been using one for years, since childhood. Look out for this old faithful drug to be replaced soon, as Ventolin seems to be on the way out as an asthma medication. Your GP rejected your medication request! A while ago the asthma … [Read more...]
10 things you need to know about your asthma inhaler
This is a really quick blog about inhalers. If you've got asthma make sure you do these ten things to stay safe and up-to-date with the latest thinking. I always learn something when I have an asthma review. Is your inhaler in date? - This might sound obvious but sometimes they can hang around in the back of a drawer, in a sports bag or wash bag. Make sure you check the … [Read more...]
A fibrous diet may benefit people with asthma
Asthma is known to affect millions of people worldwide. It can be triggered by various environmental factors including dust mites, animal fur, smoke and even pollen. For asthmatic patients, the airways in the lungs are very sensitive to irritation and may become inflamed easily, making it harder to breathe. This condition cannot be cured, but it can be managed effectively … [Read more...]