What do you do when you have an allergy face? When eczema or psoriasis comes to visit and leaves you feeling red, sore, itchy and vulnerable? Do you hide away and mope, icing and treating your ravaged skin and refuse offers to go out? (Yes, sometimes, when it really is just too bad) Or do you put on a brave (red and sore) face and go out, see your friends, ignore the pain and … [Read more...]
Does my skin look bad in this? You could say…
We all look at people and judge them by the way they look. It's a sad fact, but we all do it. Some people are able to look discreetly and not say a thing. Some people are genuinely so concerned, shocked or horrified that they need to say something, anything, maybe they're nervous and don't know what to say, or concerned for your health. Anyway next time someone says, "What's … [Read more...]