What is propolis? Honeybees make propolis using resins they gather from plants. They chew the resins, drawing out beneficial plant extracts and mix them with their saliva, which they then combine with wax produced from glands on their abdomens. This results in the production of propolis, which contains a concentrated mixture of polyphenols and flavonoids.Bees use this … [Read more...]
Does pressing a cold sore with your fingernail stop it growing?
Now this is a bit weird but it's something I do to every cold sore I get when they're at the slight swelling not quite blister stage. As well as hitting them with zovirax, tea tree, bergamot oil and taking Llysine tablets I have noticed that I press a fingernail right into the heart of the tingling sore. I think I've always done this but I'm not sure why it helps. Does … [Read more...]
Cold sore diary – waking up with one
So this morning I awoke knowing what was going to be nestling on my top lip. I felt it coming in the night but ignored the tingling and went back to sleep. Or tried to sleep... Step 1 - ear wax At 6am I finally gave in to the swelling and pain, got up and harvested some ear wax. Yes you heard me, I dug out some ear wax. Now it's funny stuff when you examine it up close. … [Read more...]
Do’s and Don’ts for fighting cold sores
You know the signs, that tell-tale little tingling sensation that signals you're in for a real treat, a cold sore is on the way. Zovirax and Abreva are widely used as a first line of defence and can be successful at keeping cold sores at bay, but need to be applied at the tingling stage. Not so useful if they appear in the morning as most of mine do. When you wake at night to … [Read more...]