The June issue of your healthy living magazine included a summer supplements section and in it was a feature about pycnogenol, pronounced pic-no-jen-all. I'd never heard of it before but it seems it's not a new discovery. There is an official website for Pycnogenol which has loads of information about this plant extract. From this website I found this … [Read more...]
Can a Pill Cure Hay Fever?
Today we have a guest post from my sister, Catherine, about her grass allergy and treatment for this with Grazax. I have always suffered from what I would have called mild hay fever, annoying, but just something I got on with. If I sat on grass I would get itchy eczema along with the usual sneezing runny nose and eyes and if I spent to long outside, asthma. I usually took … [Read more...]
Grass allergy threatens footballer’s career
This week saw allergies being discussed in the higher eschalons of football punditry. Phrases such as, "He said he was a bit itchy" and "Allergic to grass?" as if having to stop playing for that reason was a bit lame were followed with much laughter. I suppose to people who've never suffered an allergic attack nor seen someone else with one, it does sound quite funny. It also … [Read more...]