This is Ian and Karen's story, about how they discovered their little three year old daughter was allergic to nuts and getting that first anaphylaxis diagnosis... Ian tells the story about how something so simple as feeding the birds started the allergic reactions. Just feeding the birds In March 2014 my little girl JoJo and I were out in the garden feeding the birds, as … [Read more...]
How do you explain allergies to your small child?
This is a subject that comes up time and time again at the Allergy Support Group I organise with The Anaphylaxis Campaign and it's not a simple answer. Every child, mother and family is different and there are so many ways to approach this but here are a few that proved really helpful and positive: Tell them they're special - Explain to them that their body is actually … [Read more...]
Allergy Support Group – so what goes on?
Thank you so much to Anuja, Sharon, Rich and Jenny for coming along - I was worried nobody would and that I'd end up sitting alone munching on my home made freedom cookies. Thankfully, they came, and this is what one of them said, "Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the meeting yesterday. Thank you very much for organising it." Well, thank you for coming along! Quite a … [Read more...]