Belatedly, here are my thoughts after week three of taking my homeopathic remedy. Apologies for the delay but various things, holidays and work got in the way of blog writing.

What did homeopathy do for my skin?
Right now things are getting seriously hard to cope with. I feel like my body is whirling out of control; I’ve been having a mild/moderate reaction now for nearly three weeks and the cumulative effect is my skin getting sorer and sorer, itchier and itchier, and me getting grumpier and grumpier and more and more tired have finally started to weigh on me.
I gave up trying homeopathy due to worsening skin
After three weeks I have had to have a break from the remedy. I feel very disappointed in myself, like I’ve given up, but I’ve got so much work to do, and a holiday planned; I can’t face it with the added pain and suffering I’ve been going through.
My homeopath explained how it was working: “The remedy acts as a stimulus to your Vital Force (same as immune system) and you are reacting to the remedy. Stopping it does not put you back to square one because your VF has been stimulated and now needs to let the energy of the remedy work through – like dropping a pebble into a pond, the ripples have to work their way outwards.”
Was trying homeopathy a waste of time?
Well, at least it wasn’t a waste of time; I’m not back to square one, which is what I feared.
She also said, “You are doing well and you are right in the middle of that pond analogy. I can explain to you much more about what is happening to you when I next see you. Hang in there, you will get through this and be much better in the long term. It can be quite normal for some people to react.”
Is homeopathy a gentle treatment?
I am now trying to regain control over my life, my skin, my sleep patterns etc. and nourish my skin so it gets better. The remedy seemed to make my skin far worse than it was before and made me feel constantly on edge, itchy and in pain. Not much fun, but fairly normal apparently. I had thought homeopathy was a gentle kind of treatment, and is said to have less than 0% of any active ingredient in it so I was quite surprised that I reacted the way I did.
Did I react to homeopathy? of was it just a flare?
It could of course have been a complete coincidence. Perhaps my skin was due a massive flare up anyway, which does happen from time to time. Or maybe the itching and sypmtoms were caused by some other outside influence? I don’t really believe that though, do you? I didn’t try any new foods, cleaning products or cosmetics whilst taking the remedy so it’s unlikely.
I also tried to stay away from my steroid creams, anti-histamines and pain killers, thinking the natural remedy needed to work its magic. Sadly I needed the topical steroids to calm my skin and I can’t afford to continue with the homeopathy.
Looking back, this was early TSA and TSW
Looking back at this blog now, years and years later, I can see a pattern here. Try to stop using steroid creams and the skin is destroyed. I am now 4.5 years into topical steroid withdrawal and most of my skin has never been better but it’s been so hard. The years of incessant itching, spreading red rash and insomnia have been really tough. I think anything I tried that involved me stopping the steroid use would have been doomed to failure. If only I had persevered back then I might be through it all now.
Has anyone else tried homeopathy as a treatment for allergies? I’d love to hear about it. How did you get on? Did it help? What are your views? I’ll let you know more about my experience soon.
My other homeopathy blogs
You may also be interested in reading:
- Topical Steroid Withdrawal – Frequently Asked Questions
- The difference between SLS and SLES and why SLES is safe for eczema skin
- It’s rude to ask someone about their eczema
Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash
Once I bought some stuff on for my son and it workt really got. It’s not totaly homeopathic I guess, but it’s quite good anyway.
greetings Sandro