If you have a latex allergy you will probably have had to scour the chemist shelves for those latex condoms. But did you know that condoms can also contain milk?
In this blog we’ll discuss how to get hold of safe condoms and other bedroom toys!
Most condoms contain latex
There are the obvious implications of latex allergy such as latex gloves, bike and car tyres and seals, the list is endless. One area you may not have considered with your latex allergy is that you need to be prepared in the bedroom. Discovering I had this allergy was an embarrassing moment, and also very unpleasant. I thought I had some kind of STD until I got it all checked out by a doctor who instantly recognised it was an allergic reaction… to condoms!

Latex free condom brands (in the UK)
There are now a number of latex free condoms on the market including:
- Durex Avanti
- Durex Real Feel
- Sagami original extra thin polyurethane condoms
- Protex
- Pasante Unique
- Trojan Supra (Voted best on MensAxis website)
- Mates Skyn
These latex free prophylactics are made from polyurethane, polyisoprene and other plastic and vinyl based materials and so are completely hypo-allergenic and guaranteed latex free. They often offer a better feel and a better experience as they can be thinner than normal condoms. You can easily buy these online if you can’t find them in chemists and stores.
What are the latex free condom brands in the US?
Can anyone help me out with this one? I have a lot of American readers and am trying to research this from England.
Dairy free and vegan condoms!
There is a whole market out there for vegan condoms. I was amazed to find that some condoms can contain dairy in the form of casein, so if you also have a dairy allergy you need to be very careful, or you could be in for an eye watering experience. It’s in the powder that you find on condoms that contains the casein powder.
Cocoa powder used for dairy free condoms
There are a couple of dairy-free prophylactics, including all the latex free ones which are also dairy free, you could try Condomi or Glyde condoms. Instead of using the milk derivative casein, these brands use – strange though it might sound – cocoa powder. It’s a natural and safe ingredient for most, and is far less likely to cause anyone allergic reactions.
If you can’t find these condoms in the shops, and the latex free ones listed above certainly should be in most chemists and supermarkets, check this website: for vegan condoms.
Getting support for your latex allergy
If you have, or suspect that you may have, a latex allergy you should consider contacting and joining Anaphylaxis UK. They have information to download, resources and advice.
Look out for latex in other bedroom toys
Latex can also be a problem in the bedroom if you experiment with toys, and I don’t mean the cuddly kind. Without going into too many details I found a whole load of latex free options in all different shapes, sizes and colours on the Sh! website. I’ll let you all do your own research in that department.
A man invented the Femidom female latex free condom
I thought I’d share this with you as I did struggle to find latex free condoms when I first got diagnosed, in fact at the time I couldn’t find any on the market at all. There was one option – the female condom! One that should be worn by the woman, and not the man. Femidom which is also latex free, is basically a plastic bag you are supposed to insert up there! If any of you have tried it is a ridiculous product, you’ll know it’s not really fit for purpose! Just picture the bag kind of protruding from your flaps, and the sound of plastic crinkling with every move! An experience never to be repeated and definitely a passion killer!
Have you used latex free condoms?
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Are you able to find them easily and do you find the work well? I don’t mean intimate details, just an assurance for those with a latex allergy that they don’t have to miss out.
I’m allergic to casein and latex. Which brands and types specifically do not have casein or latex and are available in the U.S.?
Hi there, I’m trying to find this out but my google keeps giving me UK sources. I think Skyns, Trojan Natural Lamb and Durex natural feel are all available in America.