I dream of profiteroles
Buttered bacon rolls
Risotto, pizza, garlic bread
Not a care in my head
I dream of chicken pies
And blue skies
Of strawberries and cream
And high self esteem
I dream of just going out
With nothing, nada, nowt
No bag full or paraphernalia
Epipen, drugs and the inhaler
Those childhood days
Long gone but not forgotten
Going out to play, for a while
No bag, no keys, just a smile
Pocket money spent on sweets
The excitement of a meal out
Scampi and ice cream
That long forgotten dream
Oh bless you Ruth – I’ve just trialled some profiteroles but have yet to get the dairy free filling right. Will let you know when I’ve sorted them and will send you some! I wish you didn’t have to go out with all of those bits and pieces too – even just having food intolerance and not anaphylaxis is bad enough. We’re just off to Legoland and I know that there won’t even be a single morsel I can eat there so our bag is packed full of gluten free bits and pieces!
Hope you’re ok?
Oh profiteroles my old love I have missed you much. He He. Have you looked at oatly cream? It really needs to be a creamy type of filling. Not easy to achieve without the creamy stuff. What would it be like with yogurt? Hmm. Not the same I feel. That is exciting though. I really miss profiteroles. It’s tough but I just have to make sure I’m organised and try to eat really special, tasty food so I still enjoy it. Food should be a pleasure and sensory experience not a stressful one. I’m getting there. Your cakes always help ;o) Buying large freezer soon so look out for an order shortly. My tiny freezer is just too small.
I’m very well. You? Been a long time. Will be in touch.